“Now, President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccine center in Arizona, not long ago” Biden said. – IOTW Report

“Now, President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccine center in Arizona, not long ago” Biden said.

Trending Politics: On Thursday, Joe Biden showed once again why he isn’t allowed to have press briefings or answer questions from reporters.

While delivering a statement on the coronavirus pandemic, he let it slip once again who he thinks is the President of the United States. Watch:

9 Comments on “Now, President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccine center in Arizona, not long ago” Biden said.

  1. Rich kid Joe had an IQ of 72 50 years ago. It is likely <70 in 2021. Of course she is the REAL President.

    But he has magic – watch him put his hand right through a mike! Only one possessing magical powers could do that!

  2. Stole the election. They were all in on it. Doing their part or not doing their part in the case of the Supreme Court.

    They wanted Commiela on the ticket so he could die off and they’d get their “black” woman first President. She couldn’t win dogcatcher.

    Biden thinks his legacy is as Friend To The Blacks at the expense of himself.

  3. So far, Harris has been an inspiration to young girls by showing that if you sleep with all the powerfully connected men, then you too can play second banana to a man with dementia.

    It’s a damn Cinderella story!


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