Now, Rachel Maddow Is Warning Media About Fake NSA Documents Alleging Trump-Russia Collusion – IOTW Report

Now, Rachel Maddow Is Warning Media About Fake NSA Documents Alleging Trump-Russia Collusion

Daily Caller:

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow gave a “heads up” to other news organizations on Thursday after she was sent what she believes are faked National Security Agency documents alleging collusion between a member of the Trump campaign and Russian government.

“Somebody, for some reason, appears to be shopping a fairly convincing fake NSA document that purports to directly implicate somebody from the Trump campaign in working with the Russians in their attack in the election,” Maddow said in a lengthy segment on her show. more here

16 Comments on Now, Rachel Maddow Is Warning Media About Fake NSA Documents Alleging Trump-Russia Collusion

  1. Actually, this is starting to get scary/stupid:
    The Press, the American public’s watchdog against government evil is looking SO incompetent, vain and COMPROMISED, that it feels like calling the police when your house is robbed, and the officer shows up and asks you how to put the bullets in his service revolver.

  2. Or it could be a fake document prepared and sent by a disgruntled Hillary supporter purporting to show direct collusion. The question though would be that if it was created by an actual NSA employee is it then a forgery of an NSA document? Have a couple of belts of the old iced vodka and swirl that around the old brain bucket Maddow old girl. On the other hand it could be an NSA created fake to be used to smoke those deep government traitors out in the open. More drinks Maddow. Or it could be a real NSA document with key portions changed to make it appear there were Trump-Russian connections where there were none and that could have been done by the FBI to screw over their rivals in the NSA. Get another bottle Maddow old thing, it’s going to be a long night.

  3. So, is this how they will attempt to salvage their “dignaty” and walk away from a months-long FAKE news story and attack on the President? It’s not that they were ever wrong, they were just reporting what they were given (from anonymous sources, of course); they were deceived and the victims of an elaborate hoax?

  4. She can spot a fake but Hillary couldn’t spot the real thing. Of course, her advantage is when you know the whole thing was made-up all documents proving it have to be fake.

  5. LOL!… Someone is trolling them with fake documents to see which one bites. Hilarious. I guess they’ve decided to act like real journalists again, thanks to Trump.

  6. If this Anonymous Source Document is “fake” her remaining viewers are supposed to be reassured the other anonymous sources are “real”.

    But yes, the MSM are belatedly realizing the need for an Exit Plan from their self created Russian Tar Baby.
    Next up: ” Area 51 Sources Reveal Trump Is A UFO Shapeshifter! Invasion Imminent!”

  7. She likes to stick her neck out on these rumors. And with a neck about a foot long with a tiny head affixed to it’s end, she’s thinks her views have some real “reach”.

  8. After lagging behind in the ratings, she sees the Mighty CNN now swooning and forced to one knee on the battlefield of journalism. She sees a weakness and is aiming for it.

  9. CNN and MSNBC originally targeted different markets. Remember, CNN’s average viewe age is 61. Ageing Boomers who embraced CNN 30+ years ago when it was “new”.
    The 6:00 news, live 24 hours a day!

    If CNN folds, or tries to reinvent itself as a Sports Chat network, those Boomer leftist-commentary junkies will still have MSNBC.
    Which isn’t actual news, but talking heads discussing the headlines on other networks.

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