Now We KNOW The ChinaVirus Deaths Are Over-Reported – IOTW Report

Now We KNOW The ChinaVirus Deaths Are Over-Reported

5 Comments on Now We KNOW The ChinaVirus Deaths Are Over-Reported

  1. The reality is that this virus was a garden variety virus that required nothing more than common sense precautions and that the wh task force, governors, and most of the world overreacted upon. It will go down as one of humanity’s largest collective blunders. There was no epidemic there will be no second surge. It was so horrible that no official can call it for what it was. Terrified sheep are still wearing those useless masks. What a mess.

  2. A grand hoax perpetrated by the Chi-Coms and their minions in the DNC and “American” Media.

    How fucking dumb are we?

    Obola tried (pretty successfully) to destroy the economy for 8 years, and the anti-American totalitarian maggots have tried to keep President Trump off balance and impeached for 4 MORE years and then – what? – a *COINCIDENCE*?
    Are we really that dumb?

    In politics, there are:
    NO coincidences,
    NO paradoxes, and
    NO unintended consequences.

    There cannot be, simply because these are human endeavors – efforts of the will.

    We’re either abysmally stupid or willfully ignorant – the Nationally Socialist Demonrats, their stooges in the Media, and their co-conspirators in Academia aren’t even pretending to hide their agenda.

    izlamo delenda est …


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