NPR: MS-13 Members Are Just ‘Mighty Munchkins’ – IOTW Report

NPR: MS-13 Members Are Just ‘Mighty Munchkins’

Breitbart: Machete-wielding MS-13 gangsters are merely “mighty munchkins,” according to National Public Radio (NPR) and a left-wing outlet, ProPublica.

“So to hear Trump tell it, MS-13 is this shadowy gang that’s organized across continents with major plans to disrupt the security of the United States border, and what I’m actually seeing is that this gang is settling, basically, high school beefs,” ProPublica’s Hannah Dreier told NPR.

“One detective told me that he called them ‘Mighty Munchkins’ because these are kids who haven’t yet finished their growth spurts, but they team up together in the woods and wreak a lot of carnage,” Dreier said.

The joint report, however, grossly trivialized MS-13’s murders, prostitution, and drug-selling. On June 29, for example, two teenage migrants from El Salvador were charged with murdering a 19-year-old in Prince George’s County, Md.

“President Trump has said MS-13 is ravaging neighborhoods across the United States,” NPR host Noel King said. “And his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, has portrayed the gang as a highly sophisticated and organized network.”

“But journalist Hannah Dreier has spent the last year reporting in depth on MS-13 for ProPublica, and what the Trump administration has been saying about the gang doesn’t completely match up with what she’s been seeing on the ground.”

ProPublica is funded in part by far-left billionaire George Soros.  MORE HERE

13 Comments on NPR: MS-13 Members Are Just ‘Mighty Munchkins’

  1. I’m sure the detective called them “mighty munchkins”, if he actually did that, to avoid saying something else that would get him in trouble. He could have slipped up and called them “mighty midgets”. Or “murderous m—erf—-ers”. For example.

  2. Hannah Drier’s bio:
    “She graduated from Wesleyan University in Connecticut, and spent the first years of her career in daily newspapers.”

    It’s too bad she didn’t spend her time on the street delivering newspapers in Bridgeport, CT. Her opinion might be more grounded.

  3. In other NPR news, the mafia was referred to as “those fun loving Italians”, The Nazis were called “Those kooky Germans”, and antifa was labeled “troubled youth”

  4. This is just another example of white privilege reducing the problems and struggles of P.O.C. into simple children’s tantrums.

    “Oh Juanita, your brother and family were only killed and hung upside down over a freeway because some H.S. kids got a little rambunctious. Stop being so dramatic.”

    I don’t think I’ve read anything as blatantly racist since perusing the script for Birth of a Nation.

  5. @ Poor Lazlo – one of the greatest books EVER written.

    @ Ow – I thought the same and HAVE been for years. Now we have the opportunity but we also have a BALL-less Congress.



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