NPR slammed over story highlighting ‘disappointment’ over Boston electing Asian woman mayor – IOTW Report

NPR slammed over story highlighting ‘disappointment’ over Boston electing Asian woman mayor

NPR deemed Wu’s win a ‘letdown’ for some after she defeated African-American candidates.

11 Comments on NPR slammed over story highlighting ‘disappointment’ over Boston electing Asian woman mayor

  1. NPR – talk about deplorables.

    Their heads hung in abject shame, NPRs mea culpa via Twitter:

    “We realize we don’t always get things right the first time, and our previous tweet/headline misrepresented the story.
    We deleted the previous tweet, which was causing harm, and have updated the story”.

    If NPRs original story was to report on some people who did not like the outcome, it succeeded. It did get it right, some people were not happy, and NPR in all its wisdom added fuel to the fire of race hatred in the process, likely its intent. This time the target Asians.

    Did NPR ever run a non-hostile story about the millions of us unhappy about the outcome of the Nov. 2020 Presidential election? Doubtful.

  2. “The nonprofit media organization laid out polling data of the race, which showed the three Black candidates got three-quarters of the vote in areas with the highest concentrations of people of color, but only won one-quarter of the votes in the whitest areas. “

    So, to review, 3/4 of the blacks only voting for other blacks is OK, but 3/4 of the whites voting for an Asian woman is…RAAACIST!!!!!

  3. An NPR promo for Henry Lewis Gates’ Finding Your Roots show featured a clip of Gayle King being told that she has 30% ‘white’ DNA – she looks aghast and blurts out “You take that back!”.

    Oh, nice!

  4. @TimBuktu – yes they did run a story about those of us who were unhappy and contesting the vote. We were the radicals and insurgents. If you are asking if they ran a positive story, then no


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