NRA invites Obama to a showdown – IOTW Report

NRA invites Obama to a showdown

“I’ll meet you for a one-on-one, one-hour debate — with a mutually agreed-upon moderator — on any network that will take it. No pre-screened questions and no gas-bag answers.”

wayne lapierre NRA

Please please please make this happen.

18 Comments on NRA invites Obama to a showdown

  1. The king couldn’t be reached under his desk for comment. He will activate the drone base armed with dishonest talking points and deploy disingenuous SPOX Josh Earnest(ly) to spew, spew, spew.

  2. No. The Coward-in-Chief will hide behind his cadre of adoring Fifth Column “News” Apparatchiks.They will abet him by asking softball, pre-submitted questions, accept invective as fact and focus on how 0bama makes us feeeeeel.

  3. If it doesn’t fit the narcissistic, arrogant, lying, corrupt, dope-smoking, finger-pointing, Bush-blaming, shame gland missing, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, process-circumventing, Peace-Prize stealing, chaos inciting, productivity-obstructing, lawless, divisive, phoney-baloney, plastic banana republic socialist Hood-Ornament’s agenda….. fergitaboutit!

  4. Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t do it (no President would) however Obama is starting to see that the people are opening their eyes to the staggering disasters this man has brought on and is desperately searching for a legacy other then “worse then Carter”. For a pretty limited fellow intellectually he has an outsized ego and that combined with a thin skin and less then a year left he might just give it a go especially if it’s nationally televised and can provide him with a big bag of cash for his “library”. It would be great fun of he did and would probably get the highest viewership in decades. If there were reasonable rules in place I suspect he’d get destroyed along with a big portion of the anti second amendment crowd. Anyway, probably won’t happen but one can always wish.

  5. We don’t benefit from one on one public debates with leftists, or publicly demanding such a debate?
    How so?
    Is the better strategy to let the left seem like they are on the offensive while we sit around with the perception that we have nothing to say, defensive, skulking?

  6. My point is:
    They WON’T debate, we (in this case, Pierre) know they won’t, so it’s a hollow gesture.

    So, my (semi-rhetorical) question is:
    What’s Pierre’s point here in asking/demanding something HE KNOWS will never happen?

  7. Of course it will never happen.

    But more importantly, it would be like 2 people debating–one debating the benefit of vanilla ice cream and the other debating the benefits of chocolate ice cream.

    The NRA would debate how gun ownership saves lives and taking the guns from law abiding citizens would only increase the crime rate.

    Barry Hussein wants to ban all guns to remove the threat of their use against the government and to increase governments power over the people.

    The NRA needs to learn that the govt’s desire to ban guns and ammo has NOTHING to do with crime rates.

  8. as a P.S….

    THINK: Jeb Bush “challenging Trump to the same kind of one-on-one debate. All the cards were in Trump’s hands.

    Jeb came off like the desperate weakling, asking for something he knew would never happen.

  9. To get the debate going WP needs to lure him out by uploading a video wearing a pair of Speedos, while rolling around in a hot tub filled with milk and Fruit Loops. With his hair dyed blue, green, and pink. Zero has a weakness for that look. He’d be on the stage in a flash.

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