NRA Promises ‘Strong Presence’ to Block Virginia Gun Bans – IOTW Report

NRA Promises ‘Strong Presence’ to Block Virginia Gun Bans


The National Rifle Association said Thursday it will work with gun owners to swamp the first hearing of the Virginia Senate committee considering new gun bans in an effort to beat back the gun-control proposals from Governor Ralph Northam (D.).

NRA spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen told the Washington Free Beacon that the gun-rights group is mobilizing its members to appear at the first meeting of the Virginia Senate’s Courts of Justice on Jan. 13. The organization hopes that pressure from constituents will make newly elected Democrats, who helped the party capture control of the state legislature, think twice about supporting gun bans pursued by the state’s Democratic governor. Those new Democrats, who were silent on gun bans during the election, hold the key to how far the two-vote Democratic majority in the state Senate and the five-vote majority in the House of Delegates go with new gun laws.

If gun-rights supporters can convince just a handful of Democrats to oppose a new gun-control measure, it will not become law. Mortensen said the Courts of Justice committee is the first stop for those new gun-control proposals, and gun owners in the state need to show their opposition to those bills face-to-face. read more

12 Comments on NRA Promises ‘Strong Presence’ to Block Virginia Gun Bans

  1. The NRA has taken a lot of friendly fire and some self imposed hits but it is still a vital effort in thwarting the gun grabbers. We’re we go one of the 2A we go all.

    Every Demonrat alive wants to destroy your 1-2-4-10 amendment rights and suborn you to Satan. Fight the good fight against these Marxist demons.

    Satans army will not take 2020 well so your self defense is more vital than ever.

    On an unrelated note when ever I come here to read or comment I get tossed to an ad finder for women’s clothing, now the google spy’s think I’m a cross dresser and I’m being bombarded with ads for dresses and handbags, sheesh.,,,

  2. I support the 2nd………
    I dropped my nra membership as it turned my email/usps mailbox into spam central.
    The spam and the perks, exorbitant paycheck for the nra ceo were too much for me to continue nra support

  3. I’m a life member of the NRA but I won’t give them a dime more until Wayne LaPierre gets the boot. Joined the Gun Owners of America because I think they fight harder for the 2nd Amendment.

    NRA is more interested in raising money for themselves than fighting for our rights!

  4. I’m a little confused about this whole thing. They’re saying that something like 90-95% of the counties in Virginia have established 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries.
    If this is so just who are the dumbshits that elected their fellow dumbshits into majorities in the legislature and gave them the Governorship ????????

  5. I am NRA Benefactor and all three kids got Life Memberships when they were born, TO SUPPORT THE NRA EDUCATION AND COMPETITION EFFORTS. The ILA is worse than useless, they are an outright menace. They are like establishment Republicans. Self serving and duplicity defines them. Gun Owners of America is probably the best bet for Second Amendment issues. I am a Life Member of GOA. I wouldn’t give NRA-ILA a wooden nickel or piss down their throat if their stomach were on fire.

    Don’t turn your back on the NRA, but definitely direct your donations to support education and competition aspects.

  6. The NRA is finally involved? I wonder what “compromise” they will ask VA gun owners to submit to?
    The only “compromise” any gun owner should agree to is the repeal of the 34 NFA and 68 GCA. After that, the rest of the illegal gun laws should collapse on their own.

  7. I have been a Life Member of the NRA for over 40 years…..
    But they have been negligent….absent in their own home state, Virginia.

    The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) has been at the forefront of the fight to protect and defend our Right to bear arms since the very beginning of the Northam term.
    The NRA has done nothing but try to co-opt VCDL’s efforts.
    In a recent American Rifleman article reporting on the rally at the general assembly over the July 9th special session to enact more gun control, it showed two guys in NRA t-shirts standing in a crowd gathered by VCDL. The article implied it was a NRA demonstration. Fake news. VCDL has been lobbying the GA ever since Northam was elected. The NRA has been silent. Maybe LaPierre’s million dollar wardrobe was at the cleaners.

    Just four days ago NRA sent out a post card announcing a demonstration at the GA on January 13th, exactly one week before VCDL’s annual Lobby Day rally and meetings with legislators. An annual day of demonstration that has been going on for years and years.
    Dozens of buses have been chartered to bring people to the event from every corner of the state….. What’s the NRA doing? Just a postcard.
    Tens of thousands are expected to be at VCDL’s Lobby Day. NRA wants to dilute that effort. They know they are losing members from their home state to join VCDL.
    Is gun control in Virginia important to the NRA?? NO.
    What they found important was another group, all volunteer, all grassroots, becoming THE outstanding 2A support organization in the Commonwealth, and choking the Virginia money stream to the NRA.
    Instead of joining with VCDL on their annual Lobby Day demonstration, NRA chose to subvert it.
    NRA’s decision to ignore what’s happening in Virginia and try to dilute the efforts of a more effective fighter is shameful.
    But “shame” has been a word NRA has been hearing a lot lately.

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