NRA suspends Chris Cox – IOTW Report

NRA suspends Chris Cox

Daily Caller: The National Rifle Association suspended chief lobbyist Chris Cox, alleging he participated in a coup attempt against CEO Wayne LaPierre, according to court documents.

The gun-rights behemoth said Cox’s text messages and emails with a board member show an apparent attempt to oust CEO Wayne LaPierrereported The New York Times on Thursday, noting the full context was unclear.

The allegations were disclosed in the latest chapter of the NRA’s ongoing management saga: a lawsuit the gun group filed against former president Oliver North in response to his alleged attempts to collect legal fees related to his litigation as well as a Senate Finance Committee probe.

“The allegations against me are offensive and patently false. For over 24 years I have been a loyal and effective leader in this organization. My efforts have always been focused on serving the members of the National Rifle Association, and I will continue to focus all of my energy on carrying out our core mission of defending the Second Amendment,” Cox said in a statement. read more

11 Comments on NRA suspends Chris Cox

  1. The NRA is an outstanding place to donate to support firearms educational programs and competition, as far as Second Amendment issues give to GOA.

    Become a Life member of both, but use your head when you donate. Know what you are giving for and direct it to where it will do the most good. Until the NRA-ILA leadership is cleaned out don’t donate to the NRA to support Second Amendment issues.

    Politicians listen to the NRA because they have 5 million members. Become a Life member. GOA fights harder and smarter

  2. @ JDHasty,

    Except the NRA is just like the anti-smoking lobby. Look at California, New York, and Illinois for starters. The NRA used those states as a sort-of a gun-owners human sacrifice to the state. Fuck the NRA. All they do is ask for money.

    You can ban the NRA and I’d still keep my guns.

    You can ban the 2nd Amendment and I’ll still keep my guns.

    You can ban freedom and I still keep my fucking guns.

  3. No matter what the issue there is no point trying to compromise the left. Every compromise agreed to is your side giving ground to appease them and the new line drawn is their starting point to go after more.
    They have no place in between on their issues they only want you defeated completely.

  4. @ TSUNAMI JUNE 21, 2019 AT 4:19 PM

    Did you read what I posted? I have expanded on what I posted here today when I posted on this in the past. The long and short of it is, the NRA-ILA is infested with a leadership that moves back and forth between Capitol Hill and the NRA and is too Goddamn cozy with politicians, ESPECIALLY eRepublicans. They will ratfuck you as quickly as any eRepublican and with as little conscience.

    The NRA education and competition programs are second to none anywhere in the world and deserve your support. Any donations that the NRA-ILA would get would be better sent to GOA.

    I’m a long time NRA Benefactor level member and all three kids are Life members. I bought their NRA memberships when they were born.

  5. All the infighting isn’t helping. We need to re-elect President Trump in 17 months, and need all the help we can muster. Having said that, the NRA is in disarray, the buck stops at Wayne Lapierre; he needs to resign for the good of the organization and the fight for the second amendment. Ollie North tried; now he’s out. Chris Cox tried; now he’s out. This is looking like bunker under siege mentality.


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