NSA Leaker Told FBI That She Was Triggered By Fox News Being On At Her Workplace – IOTW Report

NSA Leaker Told FBI That She Was Triggered By Fox News Being On At Her Workplace

DC: The National Security Agency contractor who leaked a top secret report about Russian activities during the election told FBI agents that she was upset with her employer because Fox News was played on TVs at her office.


“I’ve filed formal complaints about them having Fox News on, you know?” Reality Winner, the contractor, told FBI agents during a June 3 interview at her home in Augusta, Ga. “Uh, just at least, for God’s sake, put Al Jazeera on, or a slideshow with people’s pets. I’ve tried everything to get that changed.”  MORE

19 Comments on NSA Leaker Told FBI That She Was Triggered By Fox News Being On At Her Workplace

  1. this bitch has her priorities as screwed up as that tree fucker posted yesterday.
    Ya done the crime now do the time, crying ain’t gonna get ya off. just another snowflake that thinks their opinion is all that matters.

  2. The brainwashing took quite well.

    Any excuse will do for a traitor.

    My eggs were cold this morning. Do I blame the chicken, the chef, or the goddamned USA.

    Such a tough call, honey.

  3. @Handy n Hansom, Reality’s mother is just as whacky as her daughter:

    Winner-Davis said that despite the allegations she remains “a proud mom … I have every reason to be proud of that girl.”

    She added: “I can’t ever call her a traitor or even believe that. No, that is not Reality. That’s not her.”


    Reality is going to get some Reality for the rest of her life!

  4. This is what ya get when P. Correctness and diversity in the work force & fear of legal action for violation of some labor rule overrule common sense about the character and abilities of the employees. Perhaps smart enough for the job but lacking sufficient wisdom.

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