NSA O’Brien makes good on Trump promise, releases previously redacted Russia document – IOTW Report

NSA O’Brien makes good on Trump promise, releases previously redacted Russia document

Just the News: National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien made good Friday on President Trump’s transparency pledge in the Russia collusion case, releasing in its entirety a previously heavily redacted document from the Robert Mueller probe showing why Russian diplomats met with Trump in May 2017.

The memo, which was originally released Wednesday with only three words visible, shows National Security Council official Eric Ciaramella wrote on May 10, 2017 that Trump chose to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a visit to Washington based on a request eight days earlier during a phone call with Russian president Vladimir Putin. read more

6 Comments on NSA O’Brien makes good on Trump promise, releases previously redacted Russia document

  1. The MSDM has been a willing Co-conspirator in this Russia hoax from day one. All of them are just as guilty of seditious and traitorous acts as those in the FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department.

  2. I feel like such a sucker for believing in truth, justice, and the American way. Are we really supposed to be satisfied by one newly un-redacted document when we all know there are thousands of documents hidden from us that are so incriminating that it would turn our country upside down? I’ve had all I can stand, Trump certainly has my vote, but my expectations are diminished. I’m losing faith in our countrymen, but that doesn’t mean I won’t fight for what’s left. In fact I’m looking forward to the fight. I’ll just me more pissed off as we move forward.

  3. It is still a battle between Capitalism and Global Socialism. We will never know all the truth, however, if the media “won’t” cover it, it’s probably true.
    The pandemic has at least shown us how much of America has been sold off, and who sold it.
    Everything else is just noise, distracting the sheeple until November.

    On a side note. I rarely watch the news, but many of the local anchors have changed. Did they get tired of lying and get replaced?

  4. fodder for the masses, that’s it.

    nothing will come of it and nobody will be charged let alone go to jail.

    why is it the anti-americans can break EVERY law with impunity and then get rewarded for bragging about getting away with it?

    the only real justice in amerikka today is street justice because everything else falls into the “Just-Us” kind where rich connected elites get a free pass for any crimes committed while everyone else winds up in the prisoners-for-profit scams that LEO’s, judges, and politicians ALL pay homage to for healthy kick-backs.

    can’t wait for the day when these anti-american POS traitors are hanging from every streetlight in every city all across amerikka like the much needed decorations like the cartels hang from bridges to show what happens to traitors and snitches…. it has come to that now here in the land of the free where you only stay free if you have enough money and the right connections.

  5. Trump was on with Maria Bartiromo two days ago and the brief interview was incendiary.

    The accusation leveled: the former President and VP, who is a current candidate for President, seditiously attempted to overthrow our democracy.

    The media today? When was the last time Trump got Covid tested. Biden hammers Trump on economy. Blah, blah, blah.

    This is the most serious scandal in the history of our country and the media universally decided it wasn’t and won’t even report on what the President says or attempt to dispute it. Mainly, because they were willing collaborators.


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