NSA spent $100M on phone surveillance program that prompted two unique FBI leads – IOTW Report

NSA spent $100M on phone surveillance program that prompted two unique FBI leads

Wa Examiner- A multimillion-dollar cellphone surveillance program that sifted through the metadata from millions of individual phone numbers yielded just two unique leads over a five-year period.

According to a newly declassified study, the National Security Agency spent $100 million on a highly invasive cellphone surveillance system. With that investment, the agency yielded only one significant FBI investigation from 2015 to 2019.

The NSA’s cellphone surveillance was first revealed to the public after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked information about the program to the media. After Snowden’s leaks in 2013, the federal government advocated for the program as a necessary tool to prevent future terrorist attacks, but many questioned whether that was true. read more

5 Comments on NSA spent $100M on phone surveillance program that prompted two unique FBI leads


    Disinformation to make the public think they aren’t effective.


    *collect your information
    *tip off law enforcement
    *reverse engineer the violation as “good police work”
    *never reveal the source (NSA) or only as “a tip”

    NSA, BATF, IRS, et al, they all find ways to turn you in without revealing themselves as the primary source.

    Your government is there to prosecute you, not protect your rights.”2 leads in 5 years” give me a break!

  2. @Mithrandir February 27, 2020 at 11:08 pm


    Here’s why I take issue with that “reasoning”: If (and I am not granting, merely starting from “could be”) it is true… and, then? Without illegal, treasonous, transgression against The Bill of Rights… to fake evidence (no “scare quotes” — evidence is not truth — but we’re talking about even more false, than usual)… will the hands-on enemies of the people, cease handsing-on them? Without the lies as “reasons” for “only following orders”, will they cease “only following orders”?

    Do you care if the AntiFa mob kills your children “because” of your “MAGA” hat? Or if it was “because” of your (animal) leather shoes? Or should you, simply, solve the threat, of those that call you enemy? (Maybe, even, solve it, while your children might survive.)

  3. I do not think that anything is true, but I am pretty sure that like this government boondoggle, handgun ballistic “fingerprinting” has solved ZERO gun related crimes….
    Since when did any of us really expect that government cares how the people’s money is spent?


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