‘Nuclear option’: Saudis in talks with China to pivot from U.S. dollar – IOTW Report

‘Nuclear option’: Saudis in talks with China to pivot from U.S. dollar

Loss of currency’s supremacy would threaten ‘regular Americans’.

WND: By Art Moore

The United States dollar’s position as the chief currency of trade for the global oil industry has been a foundation of the American economy for decades, keeping inflation at bay amid the Fed’s unprecedented printing of money.

But now Saudi Arabia and China are in talks to price some of the monarchy’s oil sales in the Chinese yuan, rather than dollars, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

Citing people familiar with the matter, the paper said that after six years of off-and-on discussions, talks stepped up this year amid Riyadh’s strong opposition to Washington’s nuclear negotiations with Iran and other issues.

The Saudis, whose oil industry was developed by the U.S., have exclusively used the dollar for trading oil since the mid-1970s as part of a bilateral security agreement. Nearly 80% of global oil sales are priced in dollars. And Saudi Arabia possesses about 17% of the world’s proven petroleum reserves. more

12 Comments on ‘Nuclear option’: Saudis in talks with China to pivot from U.S. dollar

  1. Buy your wheelbarrow now! Call it your Weimar wallet! You’re going to need something to carry your money when the dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency and inflation becomes hyper-inflation.

  2. Saudis accepted our funny money for payment from all their customers because in return they got US military protection.

    Shitpants screwed that up too when he let the Yemenis attack (because he’s on his knees for Iran).

    He has essentially performed the Vegas wedding for Russia/China and bankrupted us by giving away the credit card.

  3. @mob March 16, 2022 at 12:35 pm

    > You’re going to need something to carry your money when the dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency and inflation becomes hyper-inflation.

    Only those that insist on dealing in United States fake (not “fake”) money.

    @TheMule March 16, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    > We will all be so royally fucked once our ruling class idiots destroy the US$ as the global fiat currency.

    The very idea of a “global fiat currency” is so “powered by unicorn farts” grade retarded… I can’t even.

  4. AXIOS: The Biden administration is considering removing the Iranian Revolutionary Guard from the terrorist list.
    Former US envoy to the Middle East, Dennis Ross:

    The removal of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard from the terrorist list is “a thing of the imagination”, and it admitted this week to firing missiles at Erbil, Iraq. I think Iran’s promise of regional de-escalation is as credible as Putin’s saying that Russia will not invade Ukraine.
    Oversight Board Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy:

    Iran is controlled by a regime chanting “Death to America”. These are the ones who are negotiating with President Biden to give them plans for nuclear dollars.. So what will the world’s largest state sponsor of nuclear terrorism do?! ”
    Previously, in the first days of Joe Biden’s presidency, he removed the Houthi group, Iran’s arm in Yemen, and their slogan was death to the United States and death to Israel.
    Threatening the most reliable allies in the Middle East, allies of ours for more than 70 years
    He threatens them all the time in prosperity, and in times of crisis he calls them to help with the problems that Joe created earlier
    I don’t know why this party doesn’t take the interest of the United States first
    Everyone no longer trusts us, everyone takes measures and a plan B in case we abandon them
    Now leave to fantasize
    Politics continue like this for a few years to come What will happen to us, draw a scenario for what will happen to you and everyone the United States

    At a time when the world is heading towards multipolarity


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