Nude Pennsylvania Man Found Drinking in Barn – IOTW Report

Nude Pennsylvania Man Found Drinking in Barn

‘I Just Like Pigs’

Hamms beer cam


h/t MJA

20 Comments on Nude Pennsylvania Man Found Drinking in Barn

  1. Back in the 60’s when I started riding motorcycles. I was riding in the country and almost puked all over my bike. The smell was a pig farm
    Worse smell in the world.

  2. Hamm’s the beer refreshing. Where’s the Hamm’s beer bear at to kick this guys ass. There is still the remains of an old Hamm’s beer sign on a post a few miles outside of St. Maries, Idaho. And the Rainiers and Artesians (with Johnny Weismuller and Mickey Rooney shilling for Rainier beer and Olympia beer) from the old Olympia beer ads from the 70’s called and wanted equal time. Boy, am I showing my age when I can remember all these old beer commercials as if it was yesterday. Now we just need some Byrds music like they had in the Lucky Lager commercials back in the early 70’s. And I don’t even like beer all that much, just brainwashed by all the clever beer commercials back in the day.

  3. When I lived in the middle of Holland we rode past a pig farm one day on our bicycles taking the kids to school while they were loading up a truck full of pigs.

    It sounded like someone opened up the hatch door to hell !
    I mean the screaming was demonic, and when they sprayed the fields with zwine juice you thought you were going to die.

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