Nude Pickleball Is Taking Off – IOTW Report

Nude Pickleball Is Taking Off

The Pickler:
Nude pickleball is … er, um … busting out all over.

Naturist resorts from coast to coast are finding out that nudists want more pickleball – just like the majority of people who don’t do their dinking in the raw.

Nude pickleball is beating the pants off its competition.

Clothing-optional resorts are advertising their pickleball facilities, holding tournaments, and putting in more courts to meet the demand.

Mike Sullivan is a USA Pickleball ambassador and a resident of Cypress Cove Nudist Resort in Kissimmee, Florida.

“Pickleball is the biggest sport here by five times,” Sullivan said.

Pickleball at Cypress Cove began modestly 14 years ago when a couple visiting from England drew chalk lines on the two tennis courts there.

Five years later, the resort had its first two pickleball-dedicated courts. Five years ago, those two courts multiplied into six, and today pickleball is the most popular recreational pursuit at Cypress Cove, with 172 dues-paying nudists playing there seven days a week. more h/t CS

51 Comments on Nude Pickleball Is Taking Off

  1. Our little hood has acre plus lot sizes and there’s a couple residents that have put in Pickle Ball courts. We keep getting invited to play. I guess I better get some clarification before I accept.

  2. Just what we need, a bunch of old men with man boobs bigger than the women flabbin all over a pickle ball court.

    Sweet meteor of death, where for art thou?

  3. Brad, there’s a game that kills pickleball, the problem is the name, “wacketball”. It’s played with racquetball racquets and nerf balls that are a bit denser than a nerf ball. Over the years i have spent hundreds of hours playing on our court, same court as pickleball. I can’t play any more but if you’re interested I’ll send you what you need. You will convert your neighbors.

  4. Dan Ryan Galt – The whole thing would be like ‘watching the bouncing ball’ – but including sausages and little pickles and sagging water balloons and that upside down blubber bitch twerking on the beach. Boing boing boing boing…

    Oh God, please make it stop.

  5. Came back from a trip a while ago. Went to the semi deserted mall because the entire sears was turned into a flat skateboard area. It was nice. Air conditioned, mostly empty.

    Anyway, I get back and find the entire sears is now a bunch of pickleball courts.

    Not a fan.

    Also, my bank hired a tranny and the new rib place uses vinegar.

    F this stae.

  6. Sears was a bunch of overpriced cardboard furniture and shitty tools, anyway.

    I had a Sears engine timing lamp that lasted about 10 years… and that was me repairing it 3 times.

  7. Had I stayed in Cali I would be somewhere up by Modoc or Lassen. Possibly over on the coast by Arcata.

    This place had a good run. I was here for over a decade. Saw it go from a sleepy lil’ town into a real estate power hunger mad dog. Huge swaths of land are now covered with tract housing. THERE IS LITTER. We never had litter. Not even our scumbags littered.

    Maybe Montany is still rural.

    And for anyone wondering, I’m not mad at trannies or the new Popeyes in town or any of the other stuff. It’s all just signs of a culture I ain’t got nothin’ to do with. I don’t hate Popeyes. I simply preferred when it was 100 miles away. My bank is 40 miles away. It was a nice drive once a week. Now it’s traffic all the way and a goofball waiting for me at the other end.

    And you wonder why I find Sonora so appealing.

  8. We don’t have no Popeyes. We had a Pizza Hut, but everybody who ate that greasy shit died. Fuck ’em. We used to have a tire shop, but everybody who ate there died, too.

    I’m talking about Ava, now. Arden hasn’t had a post office since before The Great War.

  9. In some ways I blame myself. I’m not suffering from delusions of grandeur. I didn’t influence the whole state. But I did influence my neighborhood. I fixed up the house, put in a lawn, made it look nice.

    As soon as I did that, my once deserted street started to get interest from real estate people. I now have a neighbor from Huntington beach next door. I used to not have a next door. I Have a gay couple across the street. No big deal except its two guys who do yardwork and landscaping together and are therefore the envy of the hood. I got Texans TEXANS in my town. Why? Ain’t none of you ever heard of New Mesiko? Why do you fly your giant Texas flag here? This state has historically killed Texans at a 10 to 1 rate. Go read about the pleasant valley wah. Over 100 Texas ‘badmen’ whacked. We don’t ‘do’ Texas.

    It’s all changing our culture. We don’t talk loud. Texans and Californians do. We don’t dress like jackasses. Californians do. We don’t drive the same cars. We don’t eat the same food. And we sure as hell don’t put vinegar on BBQ. Damn heathens.

  10. I went out to my mailbox, past some cows and horses… cows and horses that weren’t mine… and made it to my mailbox.

    “My horses and cows came down there?”

    “There are horses at my gate. And some cows.”

    How the fuck am I supposed to know whose cows and horses they are?

  11. They should have brands. 300 bucks. Register with the state.

    If they ain’t branded……why…..those are wild animals free for the taking…..and branding.

  12. This here Missurah sounds like it could use some cattle regulatin’.

    I know a couple Mesikins what are handing with beeves, anybody else wanna’ go rustle up some unbranded steers?

  13. See this is why I was always on the Clanton’s side not the Erps. The Clanton’s were russling Mehican beeves from across the border. What freaken biz is it of the Erps? None. And then they pull the original Gun Free Zone. Fuck the Erps. They were democrats. I hate em.

  14. Pickle ball is simlar to tennis played with a different, larger ball and oversized paddle across a lower net. It’s popular with seniors and fucking dorks.

    Also, Brad….you have it backwards. Wyatt Earp and fambly were Republicans bringing law and order into a corrupt Democrat stronghold which relied on imported Texas badmen to enforce it’s agenda.

    As previously noted, Texans do not thrive in this state.

  15. They ain’t no RINOs. they were taking gunz out of the hands of criminals. I.E. democrats. Due process my ass. This is Arizona. There’s a sumbitch what needs killin’, kill that sumbitch. All the Clantons and their allies needed killin’ and a vast majority of them got it…..took two decades….but everyone needs a hobby.

    You just like the underdog. Why? Underdogs are cross breed mutts with fleas. Give me the merciless bastard with cold steel on his hip who has no problem adjudicating sons a whore what need perforating…..probably for the good of society but whatever.

  16. Let’s run it down.

    Where the Cllanton’s stealing breves from another country? Yes

    Was Doc Holiday a cocain cowboy? Yes. Except for Val Kilmer.

    We’re the Urps from out of town? Yes and from the north.

    Did they impose the first gun free zone? Yes

    I rest my case. They were libtards

  17. I’m in Arizona.


    YOU’RE FROM CALIFORNIA. You nekkid’ pickleball player, you.

    I rest my case with the seal of approval from Arizona Jesus.

  18. Also, I looked it up Erik. It’s only 90 bucks to register a brand in Mizzurah. 90 bucks. Damn. it’s 300 out here….but we take it seriously. Plus, there’s only 5K brands in all of Missouruh. A lot of those are just vanity brands that dont do anything beside hang on a wall with a state certificate.

    Now, come springtime, we head out and snatch up all the calves and brand em’ with the Flying E brand out a Mizzou. Then come round up time all your neighbors will be surprised. Meanwhile we’ll take those yearlings to Kansas city and sell em’ off.

    In the interim your neighbors will get all butthurt, but you’ll have the law on your side. If it was out west, that’s how range wars get started. But, it’s Mizzu. I doubt many people will fire shots in your direction.

  19. I just like the idea of setting up a canvas tent and fire pit in Eriks yard. Me and two Mesikin desperadoes in full gear. Giant belt buckles and fat sombreros squattin’ around the fire drinkin’ coffee waiting for the branding irons to heat up.

    Big old Chevy dually pick up drives up to the yard full of angry neighbors.

    “Holla, primos” sez I. “Tolerable mornin’ fer brandin’.”


    :tosses dregs of coffee into fire, stands up, unsnaps thumb break:

    “Hold on there mister. This here is Flyin’ E land. All them cattle on Flyin’ E land sportin’ a Flyin’ E brand is our cattle.”

    :Mesikins stand up, lazily reach for rifles:

    “Now unless you want to meet Missourah Jesus, I recommend you get back in that coal burner and head out the way you came……they’s laws again’ trespassin’ in this here state.” :Smiles shit eating grin:

    I’m hoping Erik has more than 5 acres or this may get a lil’ crowded.


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