Numbers out of Nevada Could Be Lights out for Democrats – IOTW Report

Numbers out of Nevada Could Be Lights out for Democrats

RedState- Bonchie
When any discussion about the 2022 mid-terms occurs these days, the House of Representatives isn’t even much of a point of interest anymore. You always hate to count your chickens before they hatch, but things are so bad for the Democrat Party that it’s nearly a foregone conclusion that the GOP not only retakes the chamber but solidifies a huge majority in the process.

With that said, things are far more contentious in the Senate, where the seats are currently split dead even between each party’s caucus. Looking at the toss-ups according to RealClearPolitics, you’ve got seven races that will likely decide the balance of power. Unfortunately, there’s precious little polling in many of the races.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is favored to retain his seat after deciding to run for another term. Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) continues to see terrible approval ratings, pointing to a strong pickup opportunity for the GOP in the Granite State. Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) is seen as vulnerable, and in a probable red wave environment, Republican Ted Budd in North Carolina is likely heading to Washington. more

9 Comments on Numbers out of Nevada Could Be Lights out for Democrats

  1. Petey Butt
    “I farted.”

    Dude come on. Enough’s enough. Everyone here realizes you fart in the bath tub and bite at the bubbles. Jeez, try something new and original. And not, I spotted.

  2. Are you forgetting about me?

    …no worries, I’ll remind you.

    Around 3 AM.

    On election night.

    When I award crucial races to the Democrats.

    Remember the Senate “wins” in Virginia?

    I’ll make THOSE look honest.

    And whatcha gonna do?


    Nothing. Like you did about ME!

  3. I know I should feel better about a crook with an (R) after his name than one with a (D), but, for some reason, I just don’t. Maybe if they actually did something other than talk.

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