Nunes Backs Up Trump: Dems Have Given ‘Almost 100 Leaks’ To Media On Russia Probe – IOTW Report

Nunes Backs Up Trump: Dems Have Given ‘Almost 100 Leaks’ To Media On Russia Probe

Daily Caller: House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes believes Democratic members on the committee have leaked over 100 stories to the media regarding the ongoing probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

“We know that there has been almost 100 leaks that we believe have come from the Democrats in the House Intelligence Committee,” the chairman declared. “As of right now, remember a year ago, they were claiming that they had more than circumstantial evidence of collusion, of trump colluding with Russians but they keep coming up with goose eggs. They have nothing.”

Nunes’ charge came just hours after President Donald Trump lambasted the Democratic ranking member on the committee, Adam Schiff, for allegedly leaking stories.  MORE

13 Comments on Nunes Backs Up Trump: Dems Have Given ‘Almost 100 Leaks’ To Media On Russia Probe

  1. The Dems have to keep feeding the compliant MSM in order to sustain their counter narrative. So what if it means leaking sensitive information or using innuendo and out right lies?

    They’ve made their narrative bed and now they can’t climb out of it.

  2. “Leaks?”

    Treason – call it what it is.
    Punish it for what it is.

    My dick leaks when I sneeze – what these fucks are doing isn’t “leaking.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Won’t the two tiered justice system allow prosecution of released classified national security information by Congress, Hillary, Huma, Mills, Wasserman Shultz, Schiff and the rest?

    Anyone heard a peep about a grand jury or prosecution from Sessions lately, how about Rosenstein since he’s running the DOJ, or Wray at the FBI?

    Obviously equal justice doesn’t apply here.

  4. cato

    Lot’s of chatter about prosecuting the “Deep State” through a military tribunal. It may not be up to Sessions. The thought process goes like this. It would take to long prosecute them through the Judicial System only to see them set free by some Obama appointed judge.
    We can only hope.

  5. Nunes was on Rush today. He basically said don’t believe a thing anyone in the msm says about him, all fake news and he doesn’t even bother with them because they never report correctly and forget about getting them to make a correction. Sadly he did say it is really up to the DOJ to take the information and fix itself. Sessions being MIA makes me doubt much is going to happen on that front.

  6. As Imperator_Rex3 wrote:

    Disclosure of Classified Information – Title 18, Section 798 – 10 years jail for each offense. You’ve leaked 100’s of times, we are told. Using math, that’s a potential 1,000 years in jail, Adam.

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