Nunes Calls For Testimony From 10 State Dept., Obama White House Officials On Surveillance Abuse – IOTW Report

Nunes Calls For Testimony From 10 State Dept., Obama White House Officials On Surveillance Abuse


House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is calling on two of his fellow Republican committee chairman to hold open hearings for 10 former State Department and Obama White House officials regarding alleged surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign.

“During this investigation, the Committee discovered matters that likely fall within the purview of the joint task force of the Committees on Oversight & Government Reform and the Judiciary,” Nunes wrote Tuesday to Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte and South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, the chairmen of the Oversight and Judiciary Committees, respectively.

“For the sake of transparency and to keep the American people as fully informed as possible about these matters, the task force should consider interviewing these people in an open setting,” Nunes added in the letter, which was obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.  more

4 Comments on Nunes Calls For Testimony From 10 State Dept., Obama White House Officials On Surveillance Abuse

  1. The Great Unraveling is beginning to gather more Co-conspirators: FBI, DOJ, and now the State Department. Elections do have consequences. God speed, Devin Nunes.

  2. “Devin Nunes is calling on two of his fellow Republican committee chairman to hold open hearings for 10 former State Department and Obama White House officials”

    i’ll see that call for more hearings and raise him with a call for prosecution of obama doj, fbi and state department officials !

    it only takes so long because too many involved need to be protected.

  3. Drip, drip, drip….

    I need a spectacular Fourth of July massive display of explosive indictments, lighting the government on and on and on, for months on end. ….Lady in Red


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