Nunes Fires off Letter to CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ Demanding Info on Mysterious Mifsud – IOTW Report

Nunes Fires off Letter to CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ Demanding Info on Mysterious Mifsud

Bongino: Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) is requesting documents from the CIA, NSA, FBI and DOJ pertaining to the mysterious Maltese professor who told Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos that the Russians had thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Nunes sent a letter to the government agencies on Friday evening where he requested “copies of all the information in your departments’ and agencies’ possession related to Joseph Mifsud, including emails, all relevant reports and records of his contact with any elements of the U.S. government.”

He told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that he is “trying to get to the bottom of Mifsud” since he is the alleged catalyst for the entire Trump-Russia investigation.

“Well, we’re trying to get to the bottom of Mifsud, so as we talked about it on the last segment this guy originates the investigation. We know that as the Mueller team wrote this Mueller dossier, they used a lot of these news stories that sometimes were generated by leaks from the FBI. Now I don’t think the American people expect 20 DOJ lawyers and 40 FBI agents to write a 450-page report that’s built off of news stories that in many cases they generated,” he said.

He continued, “I particularly have a problem with this with one of the stories is because they pick a news story and then they cherry-pick from it, so they use it partly to describe where Mifsud worked, but then they fail to say in that same story, that they have given support to by using it in the Mueller dossier, they cherry-pick it and they don’t use that Mifsud was described as a ‘western intelligence asset.’”  more here

5 Comments on Nunes Fires off Letter to CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ Demanding Info on Mysterious Mifsud

  1. The most essential part of all this is that the Mifsud adventure is the crux of finding out when the FBI started their coverup (“Insurance”) of all their previous spying. I’m glad Popadopolis kept his head throughout all this.

    It’s never the crime. It’s always the coverup. But, in this case, Barr will get them on both counts.

  2. Toby Miles, same with Stefan Halper; he disappeared off the radar at the same time as Mifsud, only to reappear at the same time as Mifsud (right after the Mueller Report concluded). Halper is said to be holed up at his “rural Virginia home”, refusing all unknown callers. No big deal, according to the media. Why were these two never subpoenaed and questioned by anyone? I appreciate Nunes attention now, but for almost two years, the disappearance of these two key figures was ignored by everybody.

    Remember when the shit was getting real with Fast & Furious, and Congress wanted to question a key player by the name of Kevin O’Reilly? Barky and the Deep State shipped him off to Iraq and effectively put him out of the reach of Congress, only to bring him back when the coast was clear. That’s exactly what they did with Mifsud and Halper. It would be nice if somebody in this mess would acknowledge that scummy ploy.

  3. Thirdtwin — Popodopoulis (or however he spells it) has been and, because of that, so has Nunes — as much as anyone has been able to. And I think Nunes talked about this on at least a couple FNC shows last week.

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