Nunes Reveals Fusion GPS Connection to Obama White House – IOTW Report

Nunes Reveals Fusion GPS Connection to Obama White House

CTH:Well this latest twist is sketchy as hell.  In December last year we learned about Nellie Ohr working for Fusion GPS and channeling Clinton/Steele ‘dossier’ information to her husband Bruce Ohr who worked in the DOJ National Security Division.

Today Fox News is revealing that Fusion-GPS #2 man-in-charge, Neil King Jr., was/is married to President Obama’s White House Policy Adviser, Shailagh Murray; who was also Joe Biden’s Deputy-Chief-of-Staff.  MORE HERE


16 Comments on Nunes Reveals Fusion GPS Connection to Obama White House

  1. “The federal government has lost the rule of law” as it pertains to the Obama transformational plan for America. That plan is now out the window thanks to DJT. Libs are in meltdown mode since 11/8/16…7 more meltdown years to go. LOVE IT.

  2. @aleon March 10, 2018 at 9:55 am

    > The federal government has lost the rule of law in its entirety.

    It’s not lost. Bill Clinton sent it to get some vodka flavored ice cream from that cart in Fort Marcy Park. It’ll be back any minute now. Right El Jeffy?

  3. Ummmm, not just the democrat treasonous scum… all of them! and I prefer the noose.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. Russian Billionaire Claims Fusion GPS Funded By Soros

    In a Daily Caller op-ed calling the Russian meddling narrative a “false public manipulation,” Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska claims that Daniel Jones – a former FBI investigator, Feinstein staffer and now a Fusion GPS operative – told the Russian Oligarch’s lawyer in March, 2017 that Fusion GPS was funded by “a group of Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros.”

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