Nunes Suggests Shutting Down Intel Agencies Until They Turn Over ‘Smoking Gun’ Trump Information – IOTW Report

Nunes Suggests Shutting Down Intel Agencies Until They Turn Over ‘Smoking Gun’ Trump Information

DC: Rep. Devin Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, on Sunday suggested shutting down U.S. intelligence agencies if they refuse to turn over information they collected on Donald Trump during the 2016 election.

In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Nunes said that he is aware of intelligence he described as “smoking guns” that should be declassified and released to the public.

“Every Republican senator and member of Congress should be saying…we want every damn bit of evidence that every intelligence agency has or it’s maybe time to shut those agencies down,” said Nunes. read more

10 Comments on Nunes Suggests Shutting Down Intel Agencies Until They Turn Over ‘Smoking Gun’ Trump Information

  1. Obviously they are rotten from the top down. No squeakers to date, not one. And the American Tax Payer keeps paying them. If there’s anything lower than third world we must be it. And just for good measure our elected officials have generally closed their eyes to it.

  2. Do not get me wrong. I will continue to support the Right, but it is very hard to donate when the RNC calls me and asks me to give money to them when they continue to push the likes of Murkowski, Gardner, Collins, Graham, et. al. Yes, for the most part, they will follow the leadership, but they seem to always oppose conservative positions.
    I do live in Colorado and will vote for Cory Gardner because he is much better than the alternative (Hickenlooper), but surely there are better people out there. Though it is possible they don’t to put up with the sh@t involved

  3. They’ve surrendered any credibility and they don’t seem to care what we think.
    Barr just had another investigator resign after months on the job, he produced nothing.
    This mess is going to take more than Barr’s piddling around selecting who to go after, it’s going to take a massive sweep. I hold little hope {at least until the election is past anyway}.
    Trump needs to lower the boom while he has the massive support.

  4. Asshole democrats, (I know, I’m being repetitive), constantly attack any and all republicans for the smallest bullshit, (it’s just one of their many tactics).

    There is without a doubt a tremendous number of conservatives that are much more than capable of leading this country.

    Very few are willing to throw themselves to the vile, Satanic wolves of the democrat party….who could blame them??

    They need to be annihilated.


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