Nurse Passes Out on Live Television After Taking Coronavirus Vaccine – IOTW Report

Nurse Passes Out on Live Television After Taking Coronavirus Vaccine

Dover claims that she frequently passes out when she feels pain.

Step right up! Who’s next? lol

18 Comments on Nurse Passes Out on Live Television After Taking Coronavirus Vaccine

  1. If you want to see cringe, look up the twitter tag #IGotTheShot

    They’re all giddy happy as shit. All smiles. It’s a science miracle, we’re going back to normal, I love everyone and everyone loves me, they proclaim while wearing masks, face shields, and gloves. Holding signs, “I got vaccinated for…” (family, colleagues, patients) and my favorite.. “For the 300,000+ who can’t.”

    Do dead people give a damn about your shot?

    I have a feeling a good portion of those smiles are going to turn upside down. They won’t make a hashtag for that, I bet.

  2. Wonder if she was paid to do that, or it’s a psychosomatic condition. The VP got his shot on TV and didn’t pass out until he was off camera! He did not pass out at all!

  3. Ah, geish; How many guys in the service passed out getting overseas shots?? More that you want to know. How many guys bled like stuck pigs when the needless shot cut you if you jerked?? I want to know how she and her kids are 5 years from now.

  4. I watched the video. She’s a nurse. What are nurses trained to do when feeling faint? (Select all that apply.)

    (1) Get on your hands and knees as quickly as you can.
    (2) At least bend over with your head below your heart.
    (3) Try to arrange passing out in someone else’s arms.
    (4) Just fall over and hit your head on the concrete floor.
    (5) Simultaneously die and classify it as a COVID death. We’re all in this together, but honey, you’re not anymore!

  5. They can’t even tell you what the long term effects are and if you suddenly come up with cancer in a few years you won’t think oh it was the vaccine or be able to prove it. This is crazy, your immune system has a better chance of kicking this than the alleged BS 90-whatever percent they claim. Don’t take my word for it, I’ve been reading about the mRNA and they’ve tried to come up with vaccines for Corona viruses before, what they’ve found is if you get the virus after the vaccination it is actually worse and enhanced. And there is a study out people that got the flu shot get a worse case of Covid than non-flu shot people. Everyone should do what they choose but if you get it that should be good enough. But like the mask they’ll be out accusing people of killing others blah blah blah. Got to make big pharma big bucks so they can funnel a big portion to the dems and politicians.

  6. I won’t be playing guinea pig for this sick evil cheating government. Give my dose to trash can, or just shove it. Hmmm, Take my dose and Shove it! You’re not injecting me no more…

  7. I have one current, and before that two brother in laws that passed out at the sight of blood. Theirs, yours, a deer’s.

    Seen people pass out from bad news. That I delivered. Not ‘swooned’, loss of consciousness.

    Passed out myself after a four mile run after I gained 4500 feet in altitude by changing duty stations. After the run, not during. This was a run, not ‘jogging’.

    Seen people pass out from anaphylaxis. That’s a crowd pleaser.

    Guess I’m just hard to impress. Happens when you’re not new to the planet.

  8. Lowell
    DECEMBER 18, 2020 AT 6:21 PM
    “I have one current, and before that two brother in laws that passed out at the sight of blood. Theirs, yours, a deer’s.

    Seen people pass out from bad news. That I delivered. Not ‘swooned’, loss of consciousness.”

    …psychogenic shock. Pretty common, actually, every squad carries alkyl nitrite “poppers” for that very purpose. Not usually dangerous by itself, but you can hit things on the way down, or all into a patient if the first time you find out you have it is treating an open wound. Seen that happen. Its not really a anything to be embarrassed about, just a weakness you need to know you have so you can deal with it.

    That said, it seems like someone who’s made it to RN should have discovered this before today, so not sure I’m buying this…

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