NY: 9/11 survivor seeks dismissal from state lawsuit – IOTW Report

NY: 9/11 survivor seeks dismissal from state lawsuit


[…] “I went about my daily business.  I never thought about where I would spend eternity or if this would be my last day.  Twenty-four hours later I begged a God I did not love, did not thank, did not think about, did not serve nor bring glory to, not to let me die.”

She did not die, and a few years later she fully committed herself to a Christian life and the pro-life cause.

In a news release, Jay Combs, the Thomas More Law Center attorney handling the matter, was quoted, “The Attorney General of New York, by his own admission, is so driven by the pro-abortion agenda that he recounted at his press conference announcing the lawsuit that he dropped out of school at 17 years of age to work at an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C.  Now, as New York’s Attorney General, he has chosen to bring the full weight of his office to persecute pro-life advocates.”   Get the whole story here

4 Comments on NY: 9/11 survivor seeks dismissal from state lawsuit

  1. I’ve always thought that if New York City was consumed by a nuclear mushroom, it would be because of what it has become. The entire city and the vast majority of its inhabitants seem to have embraced the devil and have turned on God. It’s not enough that they support abortion. They have demonized the good people that are left and treated them like they are freaks and degenerates. The Bible is clear about what is in store for those who call evil good and good evil. I believe that God will judge them harshly. I hope I’ll someday meet the child I lost in a San Francisco abortion clinic in 1973 by the hand of the woman I thought I knew.

  2. Chilling is an understatement. God bless you sister!

    Most of the concrete people are already insane. Come out of her my people lest you be a partaker of her plagues!

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