NY: Black assailant attacks Asian women with hammer – IOTW Report

NY: Black assailant attacks Asian women with hammer

Geller Report-

The policies of New York City’s anti-cop Marxist mayor have emboldened criminals. This is the result. Out-of-control violent crime in the Big Apple.

The silence of the racist media when reporting Black-on-Asian crime, Black-on-Black crime, Black-on-Jew crime illustrates the low expectation of their soft bigotry of the Black community. more here

21 Comments on NY: Black assailant attacks Asian women with hammer

  1. i honestly wish a vigilante who dresses as a black ninja would start taking out this black ass pieces of shit!
    And by taking them out i DO mean KILL THEM.

    Make New York City Great Again!

  2. All the accounts I’ve seen of Asian attacks has been by black people. And it seems to be more prevalent since the prog/dems have started accusing whites of being racist against Asians.

  3. I saw a group of African soldiers give a chimp an AK47 and the chimp acted accordingly. The chimp with the hammer is no different. I don’t get why black people get tats, all they look like is a dark blot on their skin, making them look darker than they should be. Do they make white ink? /just wondering

  4. America is one of the very few countries outside of Africa that treats blacks kind of decent, but the ingrates still whine and now the Democrat Party is kissing their asses to the detriment of society.

  5. Gee, that shambling black female beast in the video bashing a couple of innocent people with a cinder block sure doesn’t look or act like any of the those seemingly harmless, civilized, smiling black actors who now dominate every single friggin’ commercial you see on the airwaves.

    By the way who are the “woke” marketing geniuses who think that by saturating the airwaves with commercials dominated by falsely portrayed black citizens is an effective marketing tool to sell their products? The brutal truth is that black Americans commit crimes way out of proportion to their actual % of our population.

    If we had a functioning justice system in place that animal in the video would have a speedy two week trial and be incarcerated for the rest of it’s miserable life with a cinder block chained around it’s neck.

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