NY: Bronx educator claims she was fired after sharing Holocaust story, refusing ‘Wakanda’ salute – IOTW Report

NY: Bronx educator claims she was fired after sharing Holocaust story, refusing ‘Wakanda’ salute


A veteran Bronx superintendent once praised by Chancellor Richard Carranza for her successes in the classroom claims her career was derailed by his “equity” agenda — forcing her to take a demotion in a desperate bid to preserve her pension, according to a $150 million lawsuit.

Karen Ames, a 30-year Department of Education employee, says she was targeted by Carranza’s “Disrupt and Dismantle” campaign to oust or marginalize longtime employees because she is over 40, and Jewish.

“The agenda of Chancellor Carranza and his senior leadership team was euphemistically touted as an ‘equity platform’ but in reality, it was a platform used to create gender, age, racial and ethnic divisions in the NYC School system,” she contends in her Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit filed Friday.

Ames was grilled about her “ethnic background,” chastised by a colleague at a training session when she shared her grandparents’ experience during the Holocaust in Poland, and “admonished” when she declined requests at superintendents meetings to take part in the comic book movie-inspired “Wakanda Forever” salute to “black power,” she charges in the legal filing. more

15 Comments on NY: Bronx educator claims she was fired after sharing Holocaust story, refusing ‘Wakanda’ salute

  1. This Richard Carranza character is a well known radical and racists child of immigrants who has made it his mission to tear down a system that gave his parents the opportunity to prosper and allow their son a good education and to succeed, becoming the super of the Houston School system before NYC. It is his generation of immigrant’s children that are the real danger to America.

  2. Psychotropic drugs are candy to the Marxists. Watch “Equilibrium’ staring Christian Bale for an insight in what the Demonrats have as a vision of their ultimate utopia.

    As for this white Jewish woman, she got herself a dose of Black Muslim, black identity, black supremist girl on girl hatred from a racist bigot.

    Doubt it will be enough to red pill her but you never know, the fact that she would not participate in the black Zig Heil
    is completely understandable for a Jewish person.

    It is testament to how pervasive Marxism has become to observe how the communists were able to hijack the civil rights movement to spawn the black separatist racial identity movement and its violent Black Panther army.

    In conjunction with its marriage to Black Muslim religion the commies had a ready and willing partner in crime to undermine what it meant to be a post WW2 American.

    Now we have a situation just like this where an empowered black racist can discriminate against a white person at will without any repercussions from the system.

    This lady may have some actual legal traction if it can be shown that this hateful black woman was actually encouraged to discriminate to ensure the “disruption” occurred but only against white people.

    Good luck with that in a New York court but you never know.

  3. Sounds a lot like what happened to my 51 year old friend who is a Teacher.

    I feel for her, but still am forced to remember that previous to this she was very likely part on the lynch mob that was after toxic males in the first place.

  4. Kcir: “I feel for her, but still am forced to remember that previous to this she was very likely part on the lynch mob that was after toxic males in the first place.”

    Exactly. I’d be curious to know who she voted for, and what her previous professional conduct was like, before I start feeling too sorry for her. If she was part of previous lynch mobs before this, then fuck you, lady. What comes around, goes around. The joke stop being funny when it starts being you…

  5. The parasites are beginning to fight among themselves.

    When I put out corn, the deer fight for the free stuff.
    When I put out sunflower seeds, the coons, the squirrels, the birds, and the deer fight over the free stuff.
    When I put out scratch grain, the coons, the squirrels, the bunnies, the geese, the chickens, the crows, and the deer fight over the free stuff.

    The parasitic maggots of the “left” are no different.
    Just seems a bit premature.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. And if she had indeed given the “Wakanda Salute” she would have been accused of being insincere and mocking or appropriating black culture. It’s an no win situation. Sounds like they’re just itching to get rid of her.


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