NY: Carl Higbie, GOA, File Fed Lawsuit Regarding Concealed Carry Permit – IOTW Report

NY: Carl Higbie, GOA, File Fed Lawsuit Regarding Concealed Carry Permit

Washington, D.C. — Today, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) filed a federal lawsuit in the Northern District of New York, challenging the state’s blanket ban on out-of-state residents being able to obtain a concealed carry permit or to have New York honor out-of-state permits.

GOA and GOF are representing several individual plaintiffs who reside in neighboring states and hold their own state’s license to carry concealed weapons. TV Host and Second Amendment Advocate Carl Higbie is one of the individual plaintiffs. more

4 Comments on NY: Carl Higbie, GOA, File Fed Lawsuit Regarding Concealed Carry Permit

  1. Prediction: This case will bounce back and forth between the lower court, the court of appeals, and the Supreme Court, delayed and slow-walked each step of the way, while the judges wait until Clarence Thomas either dies or retires, in their hope that a democrat names his successor, who will then vote with all the other liberals on SCOTUS (including Roberts and ACB) to effectively eliminate the second amendment.

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