NY City cab drivers no longer have to speak English as new laws come into force – IOTW Report

NY City cab drivers no longer have to speak English as new laws come into force

TelegraphUK: Passengers taking a cab in New York City may want to brush up on their languages as their driver is no longer expected to speak English.

New rules came into force on Friday scrapping the English proficiency exam faced by anyone wanting to drive one of New York’s iconic yellow cabs.

There are about 13,600 taxis in New York and more than 40,000 drivers, of whom, at the last count, 82 per cent were born outside the United States.

Leap into a cab in New York there is a fair chance the driver’s first language could be Urdu, Sylheti or Spanish.


28 Comments on NY City cab drivers no longer have to speak English as new laws come into force

  1. This is a constant source of irritation to me. I can’t hoof it the way I once did, and on a bad day I might not be able to walk to the train station. Thus, I hail a hack.

    I tell them to take the Deegan to Exit 4, “the Cross-County exit.” TWICE I have, with this direction, been taken to Country Club Road, which is in the far East Bronx and miles from where I live. The property next to mine has a gatehouse. My building has a circular driveway. Can we agree that a gatehouse is not the same thing as a circular driveway? One moron mistook my street, “Midland Avenue,” for McLean Avenue, which is in South Yonkers, “Where White People Go to Die.” He stopped one bilingual person after another and no one could help us. Since I make it my business to stay out of South Yonkers, I certainly couldn’t direct him. I abandoned him and his dysfunctional chariot in Dindoo Nuffinland without paying the fare because I wanted to get home before 2 a.m. Then there was the jerk who didn’t know where Webster Avenue in The Bronx was, which is sort of like not knowing where Broadway is in Manhattan, and the asshole who took the George Washington Bridge into NEW JERSEY, for Chrissake, and……

    Where does anyone get the notion that a cabbie working in the United States shouldn’t have to speak English? These guys should be out on the streets picking up trash.

  2. New Yorkers will put up with anything. Next will be sharia compliant cabbies refusing to give women a lift.
    All those references above to Midland and McLean Avenues made me nostalgic. Those were the streets of my early adulthood.

  3. @greetingsfromyonkers: Buy yourself a vehicle GPS device (Garmin, TomTom, etc) to use when you are taking a taxicab. It will tell you when you are headed in the wrong direction, so that you can correct the driver ASAP. It will also give you the most efficient route timewise or mileagewise, depending on which you prefer. You can get one for $100-150, which is easily worth it in terms of irritation avoided.

    And yeah, you shouldn’t have to do it, but…


  4. @The Rat Fink (second comment): I keep forgetting about that. Probably because I use an old dinosaur flip-open type cell phone that I’ve had for years.

    On the bright side, though, nobody tries to steal it.


  5. Why they will try to follow Austin and regulate Uber out of existence.
    Who in their right mind wants to get in a cab with a horrific smelling non-English speaking Muslim who doesn’t know where the hell they are?!

  6. There was a time in NYC when the cabbies were well-mannered Italian, Irish, Jewish, and Negro, who knew every ally in the city and were great philosophers. They would talk a blue streak about the Yankees, the Mets, The Gints, the Jits, and the Goddamn Republicans, and the friggin’ Red Sox. But that was a long time ago. There is no more fun in a NYC cab ride. Pity.

  7. Amazing how every tourist I’ve encountered in the city speaks English very well, yet the dirt-bags getting paid to drive you around do not and DON’T CARE. This has gone way too far off the common sense chart.

  8. Taxi Language Roulette. The odds are against you.

    Cabs should be color coded to language spoken by the cabbie, so you can hail one that can understand you.

    But that would take away the chaos liberals long to create in every aspect of your life.

    Do New Yorkers still have choices in toilet paper that they use?

  9. “Who in their right mind wants to get in a cab with a horrific smelling non-English speaking Muslim who doesn’t know where the hell they are?!”
    Then yells alla akbar( or whatever) as he drives you both off a bridge.

  10. Vietvet Vet, Rat Fink–

    I’m in a financial free fall right now where I’m trying to scrape together the resources to buy new underwear and some office supplies. So a GPS thingy or a Smartphone is completely out of the question.

    Also, I SPECIFICALLY request that drivers not use GPS and rely on my direction instead. This is because some (not all) GPS systems have my address as being in ZIP code 10708. It’s not. The post office officially recognizes 10704 as my building’s code, although the dividing lines between the two codes run through my property. For some reason, this glitch screws up the diections, and when the driver pulls up to a certain long-abandoned Mexican restaurant on Central Park Avenue (The Cactus Cafe–review from Irony forthcoming), Sirius or one of her bimbo spawn cheerfully announce, “You have arrived at your destination!” Sorry, Bro, I know what my destination looks like, and this broke-down pike of crap ain’t it.

    BTW, the clown who took me to New Jersey was using GPS against my wishes. Motherfucker!

  11. When was the last time a cab driver in NYC spoke English? lol

    All I’ve ever gotten are Hajis with pictures of Muhammad plastered in the front. NYC is like Vegas for AWD. After two days, I’m ready to kiss the pilot to get me out of there.


  12. @greetingsfromyonkers: Is there an address next door (or at least close to you) that has the correct zip code that you need? Maybe you could give them that instead.

    Just a thought.

  13. So to use a cab in NYC will require a “Vulcan Mind Meld” so the driver will know where to take you. I would tell your mayor to shove this one up his Fa-toss! This is a liberal brain spasm.

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