NY: Cuomo Announces He’ll Give Paroled Felons The Right To Vote Through Executive Order – IOTW Report

NY: Cuomo Announces He’ll Give Paroled Felons The Right To Vote Through Executive Order

DC: Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday that he will sign an executive order to restore voting rights to parolees.

“In this state, when you’re released from prison and you’re on parole, you still don’t have the right to vote,” Cuomo in a speech at the National Action Network’s annual conference in Manhattan, according to The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. “Now how can that be? You did your time. You paid your debt. You’re released, but you still don’t have a right to vote.”

Currently, those who have served their criminal sentence and have completed parole are eligible for restored voting rights, but Cuomo wanted the legislature to pass a law granting convicted felons on parole the right to vote. Cuomo says the Republican-controlled state senate rejected the law, so he would do it himself.

Pushing to re-integrate former felons into society without restoring the right to vote is counter productive, Cuomo argued.

“I’m unwilling to take no for an answer,” Cuomo said. “I’m going to make it law by executive order and I announce that here today.” more here

17 Comments on NY: Cuomo Announces He’ll Give Paroled Felons The Right To Vote Through Executive Order

  1. What more do the sheeple need?
    New York has contributed MEN in every crisis America has ever faced …
    until now.

    This clown should be dragged out and hanged from a lamp post.
    How much more can New York endure?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Who does he think he is, Terry Mc Awful? Why even bother having a state legislature, if the governor can act as king? Unfortunately the gutless republicans will sit with their thumbs up their collective asses. But even if the republicans had testicles, it is too late to stop it before November.

  3. don’t think an executive order at any level can over ride a law passed by the legislature at any level. so the E.O. is not legal and should be easy to shut down, either in court, or by the legislature.
    Mcawful granted individual pardons…signed by a signing machine because he was too lazy to sign that many pardons, in so doing complied with a loophole in the state law.

  4. He can dispense “rights” by Executive Order?
    New Yorkers have invested him with a great power.
    Then, obviously, he can suspend “rights” by Executive Order?

    Places him above God, doesn’t it? Since all “Men … are endowed by their Creator … with Rights” which Cuomo can grant or withhold at whim?

    Wow! Pretty heady stuff, there in New York!

    izlamo delenda est …


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