NY: Cuomo blames de Blasio for electoral losses – IOTW Report

NY: Cuomo blames de Blasio for electoral losses

Last Tradition-

These two idiots are responsible for the crime wave going on in this city.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo is an arrogant clown living off his father’s name.  And De Blasio is just another progressive no nothing.     

NY Post reports Not my fault!

Gov. Cuomo blamed Mayor Bill de Blasio for the state Democratic Party’s down-ballot woes on Thursday, arguing Hizzoner’s job performance provided Republicans with ammo in key Long Island and upstate races.


8 Comments on NY: Cuomo blames de Blasio for electoral losses

  1. Few people were more responsible for them near economic collapse of 2007-08 than Cuomo, as head of HUD pumping out loans to millions of people that should NEVER have a big loan.
    Then he emerged unscathed to become governor of the formerly great state of New York, where he has been overseeing one of the largest mass exodus’s of any state, and he personally killed tens of thousands of elderly with COVID-19.
    And he remains unscathed.
    He is a pathological liar, denies everything, and gets coverage from the Democrat Media Mafia.
    – See also: Joe Biden

  2. Cuomo: de Blasio killed the puppies
    de Blasio: Cuomo killed the puppies

    Media: Our Reliable Sources Team got the the bottom of it and brought truthful answers you need to know. Back to you Wolf.

    Wolf: That’s it for tonight. Tune in tomorrow for more Hard Hitting Rock Solid news that keeps YOU informed with real answers.


  3. Yo Pot!
    Kettle here.
    Yer black too asshole!!

    When are New Yorkers going to stop putting up with lousy democRATs whining and finger-pointing at each other instead of actually doing something productive!!

  4. The people of New York City deserve there two incompetent losers. The majority of the people living in New York State don’t deserve the mess these two idiots have inflicted on the rest of the State. The demographic make up of New York City’s Burroughs has guaranteed that it will remain this way until the entire rotten mess collapses in a decade or two.

  5. NYS idiots can’t change, they are moving out and taking their bad ideas and voting habits right along with them. Its genetic from drinking tainted cool aide in the city.

  6. Elise Stefanik is my Congresswoman, she dominated every inch of her district, massive Republican wins on local levels throughout this area of NYS.
    These two fuckwits, Homo and Deblowmeo along with most of the NY city communists can kiss my ass. You aren’t taking away our guns or our liberties.
    If it wasn’t for these slimy bastards NYS would go RED.


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