NY: Defeated Syracuse mayoral candidate Juanita Perez Williams Uses Hillary’s Tired Excuse – IOTW Report

NY: Defeated Syracuse mayoral candidate Juanita Perez Williams Uses Hillary’s Tired Excuse

Patriot Retort: When it comes to “graciously accepting defeat,” Syracuse mayoral candidate Juanita Perez Williams seems to be using the Hillary Defense to explain away her loss.

In an interview with the Post-Standard last night, Perez Williams blamed her defeat on her gender.

“Throughout the campaign, I kept hearing people say I need to tone it down in a debate or not respond to the issue when it came up,” Perez Williams said. “I think it’s hard for a woman to be in this situation. It is clearly something that was used against me and it was hard to overcome.”

And if you thought the Perez Williams campaign would be subtle about using the Hillary Defense, well, you’d be wrong.

Since when are Democrats subtle?

The Onondaga County Democrat Party Chair claimed that there was a “whisper campaign” to undermine Perez Williams.

And he actually said this:

“It’s the same thing that happened to Hillary,” said English. “A woman can’t be tough … Coming from a family of strong women, I resent that kind of attack.”

Oh, please.

12 Comments on NY: Defeated Syracuse mayoral candidate Juanita Perez Williams Uses Hillary’s Tired Excuse


    If you haven’t already figured it out, LOUD AND BITCHY is not as popular as you think it is. It’s not a characteristic men like, and women get defensive and offended by it.

    IT’S JUST THE WAY IT IS! If you wondered why you lost, and were not 50 points ahead, –that’s why.

  2. “I kept hearing people say I need to tone it down in a debate or not respond to the issue when it came up…”

    Those “people” were your Democrat consultants and advisors, sugar. Maybe you should focus on your own party’s patriarchal misogyny.

  3. @cato – It depends on what American is hyphenated to. Myself, I’m a proud Irish-American. Except when I’m a proud Scotch-American, or Armagnac-American, or Vodka-American. I’ve been known to have a Belgian White chaser with those… (-:

  4. Can you guys add Juanita Perez Williams as a potential candidate is to run for congress in 2018 because their might be a chance of she might win that race in New York’s 24th Congressional District. Add her name on politics1, Wikipedia, Ballotpedia, http://www.syracuse.com, our campaigns, and some other sites is to have her as a potential candidate is to run for congress in 2018 against John Katko.

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