NY: Dem socialist candidate Julia Salazar’s mother and brother expose more inconsistencies in her bio – IOTW Report

NY: Dem socialist candidate Julia Salazar’s mother and brother expose more inconsistencies in her bio

FOX: A Democratic socialist candidate for New York state Senate whose biography was challenged in a recent expose is facing even more questions about her background — as her family calls out claims about her supposedly hardscrabble upbringing.

Julia Salazar, a progressive Democrat affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, has been touted as the next Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — who won a primary race against New York Rep. Joe Crowley. But her campaign was thrown into turmoil last month after an article in Tablet took issue with certain parts of her biography.

She had previously told multiple outlets she’s an immigrant from Colombia, saying her family came to the U.S. when she was young.

“My family immigrated to the U.S. from Colombia when I was a baby, and my mom ended up raising my brother and me as a single mom, without a college degree and from a working-class background,” Julia Salazar said in an interview with Jacobin Magazine.

But Tablet found she was actually born in Miami. She later said she had made it clear she was born in Miami. In that article, it also quoted her brother Alex as disputing her claims that she was Jewish. “There was nobody in our immediate family who was Jewish … we were not raised Jewish,” he said.

Since then, her brother and her mother have pushed back further against her claims, particularly her assertion that she was born into a “working-class” family and that her mother had no college degree.

In an interview with City & State, Alex Salazar said they were financially comfortable and living in a big house, with her father earning enough to set aside college funds of $6,000 per child.

“We were very much middle class. We had a house in Jupiter along the river, it was in a beautiful neighborhood,” Alex Salazar told the outlet. “I feel very strongly about my family and I want to tell the truth.”

He also disputed claims Salazar made that “Colombia is where my family was and where I was in the first years of my life.” He said that while there were a handful of trips to Colombia to visit family, they were raised entirely in Florida.  MORE

12 Comments on NY: Dem socialist candidate Julia Salazar’s mother and brother expose more inconsistencies in her bio

  1. Typical socialist – demonrat or otherwise.

    A quick look shows that all of them – literally ALL of them – are pathological liars.

    Lenin’s name wasn’t Lenin.
    Stalin’s name wasn’t Stalin.
    Hitler’s name wasn’t Hitler.
    Pol Pot’s name wasn’t Pol Pot.
    Tito’s name wasn’t Tito.
    Molotov’s name wasn’t Molotov.
    Clinton’s name wasn’t Clinton.
    Trotsky’s name wasn’t Trotsky.
    The “Long March” was a total fabrication.
    HRC didn’t win the election.
    &c., &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …


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