NY Democrat Calls For Investigation Into Allegation That Linda Sarsour Covered Up Sexual Assault – IOTW Report

NY Democrat Calls For Investigation Into Allegation That Linda Sarsour Covered Up Sexual Assault

If he’s the Democrat ‘source’ from the story we posted earlier today, he knows a lot more than what’s being said.
Linda Sarsour may have more than egg on her face if this blows up.

Daily Caller: A former employee alleged in a story published Sunday that Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour covered up and dismissed complaints of graphic sexual assault. Now New York Democratic state Rep. Dov Hikind is calling for an investigation into the charges.

Sarsour is accused of enabling the alleged sexual assault and harassment of a woman who worked for her, Asmi Fathelbab, according to the victim and two sources directly familiar with the matter.

The assault took place at the Arab American Association while Sarsour served as executive director. Fathelbab told The Daily Callert hat instead of properly dealing with the complaints, Sarsour dismissed them because Fathelbab “was not attractive enough to be harassed” and the accused was a “good Muslim” who was “always at the Mosque.”


Hikind, a Democrat from Brooklyn who has served since 1983, is calling for an investigation into the prominent activist.

“If Linda Sarsour enabled the sexual assault & harassment of a woman who worked for her, as alleged, this should concern everyone,” he said in a statement Monday. “Women everywhere should be demanding an investigation into these charges.”


10 Comments on NY Democrat Calls For Investigation Into Allegation That Linda Sarsour Covered Up Sexual Assault

  1. Strip her of her citizenship and deport her for her islamic terrorist support and incitement, after she’s bankrupted for the sexual assault allegations……

    Scum like her should not be allowed to support terrorists and not pay the price for it.

  2. If you have followed this woman, you know she hides behind that Hijab and the Pink Pussy Hats that support her. If she is criticized, it’s because she is Muslim and a (supposedly) a woman of color. She is a power-hungry charlatan who has a hard time with a thing called truthfulness. She doesn’t care about anything related to America or American women. Her goal is Sharia. Funny how the thing she wants would tell her to shut up and sit in the back.
    I do find it interesting how you see so many Muslima’s as the spokesperson for Islamic causes. When I look at college protests and regional gatherings, there is always a hijab wearing person with a microphone. I think it the ole “Don’t pick on the girl” syndrome being played out over and over again. Then again, I also think there is a strong desire for power (a power and a voice that would not exist in a country like Iran or Saudi Arabia).
    Even if her true face is revealed, the Left will have another sock-puppet ready to take her place.

  3. Okay I get it, so if they get to Church by 5 they can Kill and Rape all Day. What a well thought out system of Justice, they must have had at least two Apes and a few Chimp’s involved in the Writing of the Koran !

  4. VICTIM BLAMING: He’s not your typical offender.
    There is no such thing as a “typical offender” because just like victims, they come from all demographics.
    EXAMPLE: The accused is a “good Muslim” who was “always at the Mosque.”
    Sexual objectification: Reducing the person to nothing but the sum of their parts to be used for another’s pleasure.
    Someone needs to instruct Sarsour that: “No woman should be treated as everyone’s personal ATM for sexual gratification.”

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