NY Democrat Rep. Meeks Pushed $60K in Campaign Cash to Company Owned by Aide’s Wife – IOTW Report

NY Democrat Rep. Meeks Pushed $60K in Campaign Cash to Company Owned by Aide’s Wife

WFB: Democratic representative Gregory Meeks (N.Y.) pushed tens of thousands more to a company that was incorporated by the wife of his chief of staff in his New York district office, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Meeks additionally used more than $20,000 in funds from his committee on lease and car expenses for a Lexus and Mercedes-Benz, both of which are marked as campaign vehicles, and lined the pockets of close consultants despite not having a real challenger in a number of years. Meeks cruised through a three-way Democratic primary this past cycle, topping the nearest challenger by more than 72 percentage points.

Despite Meeks’s lack of a legitimate threat to his seat, the New York congressman has steadily compiled an impressive amount of campaign cash.

Friends for Gregory Meeks, the New York congressman’s campaign committee, reported more than $1 million in contributions throughout the 2018 cycle, including $770,000 that was transferred from other committees. The remaining $253,000 was given from individual donors.

While the campaign raised more than $1 million, it also reported spending more than $1 million, much of which went into the pockets of D.C. consultants, toward credit card payments, catering and site rentals for events, and legal services.

The wife of Robert Simmons, Meeks’s chief of staff out of his Jamaica, New York City office, was also paid tens of thousands of dollars by the campaign this past cycle.  more here

11 Comments on NY Democrat Rep. Meeks Pushed $60K in Campaign Cash to Company Owned by Aide’s Wife

  1. So I think that a lot of these payments are violations of the campaign finance laws aren’t they? If they are I suspect nothing will happen to the congressman because he’s black and a democrat.

  2. So? He was following the examples set by Pelosi, Waters, McConnell oh heck, by all of the corrupt aristocracy of congress. Why scream now? Ethics of congresspersons has been stomped to death.

    They laugh at us from their lofty, “you can’t touch us” thrones. Just watch them in session for The State Of The Union speech. They are pompous, overpaid, despots who couldn’t give a damn about America or Americans.

    There is no bringing them to justice. HRC and Obamination destroyed the FBI and DOJ and ‘intelligence’ agencies. Welcome to the dark ages.

  3. That is funny. I kind of thought the same thing, but that guy said it better than I did. Stacy Abrams, how low are the dems that she is your rebuttal to the Presidential, State of the Union Address? That is pathetic. And why did dad have to hitchhike home in the rain if you were sitting on your fat ass at home, with a car? The donkeys are self destructing.

  4. I worked in this guy’s office when he was on the 7th floor of the Longworth Building – couldn’t get it through his staffs’ consciousness that when the water pressure dropped in the street the toilets wouldn’t flush on the 7th floor.
    (BACKGROUND – when the Capitol watered the lawns, the water pressure dropped on the House side (I have no knowledge of what happened on the Senate side))
    His aide just kept re-iterating how upset the Congressman would be to find huge turds in his can when he returned on Monday. Since he wasn’t there, I’m guessing the staff was using his private shitter.

    Always blame the Plumber.

    izlamo delenda est …


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