NY Elected Official Screams Obscenities at Parents Over Objections to Critical Race Theory – IOTW Report

NY Elected Official Screams Obscenities at Parents Over Objections to Critical Race Theory


…A school board member from Penfield, New York, named William Yaeger called a parent an “a**hole” following public comments from parents who pushed back against mask policy and controversial “diversity, equity, and inclusion” curriculum.

Video shows parent Rich Tyson, who has a daughter in the district, jump on stage and confront Yaeger after he told him, “You’re not gonna stand up here and do anything to me, a**hole.” Yaeger had to be physically restrained by others on the board and the meeting was halted. more

14 Comments on NY Elected Official Screams Obscenities at Parents Over Objections to Critical Race Theory

  1. First it starts with a “nudge” – (that the Left’s term for it)
    Then it goes to push.
    Then the shoving.
    When people get fed up with the Left shoving their agenda down our throats (and up our collective asses) then it gets ugly!

  2. His mouth wrote a check his ass couldn’t cover. Just about got his neck wrung.

    Duelling is still legal according the Texas penal code. The law states that any two individuals who feel the need to fight can agree to mutual combat through a signed, verbal or implied communication and have at it (fists only, however).

  3. There are some naive comments on PJ media regarding the communist race war class war strategy.

    What did Hitler do with a society already growing in antisemitism. In fact most of Europe was laced with antisemitism in that era. First he bashed a race constantly from their appearance to their world view, their patriotism, their wealth and status etc… Call it Critical Jew Theory. What’s the diff..? He became very popular about how he was going to turn Germany around. It’s all the Jews fault (It’s all whitey’s fault).

    Once Hitler gained power and support attacking the Jews by race and status, and how he was going to remake Germany by marginalizing them to the point friends became enemies almost over night, he went after them, killed them and took all their shit. And that wasn’t enough, he wanted the world.

    All this boils down to is manipulating the masses to do your bidding. nothing more. Totally selfish, and it’s a group effort..It’s totally sinister.

  4. JDHasty JUNE 10, 2021 AT 12:51 PM

    His mouth wrote a check his ass couldn’t cover. Just about got his neck wrung.

    Duelling is still legal according the Texas penal code. The law states that any two individuals who feel the need to fight can agree to mutual combat through a signed, verbal or implied communication and have at it (fists only, however).

    Any way you could quote that statute?

    I know of people getting arrested all the time for mutually consensual fisticuffs and suffering long term legally for it. You would think ONE lawyer would know about this all these decades.

    Something don’t smell right. But, if true, would be ground-shaking in these parts


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