NY Ethics Committee Rescinds Approval For Cuomo’s $5.1 Million Book Deal – IOTW Report

NY Ethics Committee Rescinds Approval For Cuomo’s $5.1 Million Book Deal

Political Insider: A New York state ethics commission voted overwhelmingly to rescind approval of former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s $5.1 million book deal.

The panel voted 12-1 Tuesday to rescind approval due to “material omissions and misrepresentations” about the book deal.

Those misrepresentations center on Cuomo’s alleged use of state personnel and resources to write and edit “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic,” a book that prematurely celebrated the governor’s handling of the pandemic.

According to the Associated Press, Cuomo “agreed to not use any state personnel or resources to produce his book” and that he would write it “entirely on his own time.”

The disgraced Democrat has been accused of having aides write and edit portions of the book using state resources. more here

3 Comments on NY Ethics Committee Rescinds Approval For Cuomo’s $5.1 Million Book Deal

  1. The Ethics Committee is no better than the fucksticks who voted to approve the pseudovaccines. The vote based on which the politically expedient winds are blowing.

    As an aside, that is EAXCTLY the same standard your State’s Engineering and every other professional licensing board operates under.


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