NY food banks ask state for $16 million as need rises – IOTW Report

NY food banks ask state for $16 million as need rises


ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) – New York state’s food banks are asking state leaders for $16 million to address a worsening hunger problem.

Michael Berg, director of an organization that runs three food pantries in Ulster County, said Monday that requests for food have risen by about 20 percent each year for the last few years. Meanwhile, a coalition of 53 food pantries in the Albany area reports the highest demand in its 36-year history.


8 Comments on NY food banks ask state for $16 million as need rises

  1. My cousin works in the same building where the food stamps are given out. She said that she has seen recipients sell their cards just outside the door for drugs. They laugh as they leave saying they will get all the food they need to feed their families at the food banks.

    She told me to never give food to the food banks anymore.

  2. How can food banks even be needed when more than half the country is one welfare and gets EBT, kids get fed three squares in school AND will have Mooch’s lunch trucks coming around in the summer?

    In this booming economy??

  3. Maybe it’s due to all the ILLEGALS that have been snuck in? Long Island now has a major heroine problem. People being shot daily. It’s disgusting. People aren’t hungry. They’re using their EBT’s for everything BUT food!

  4. Yeah, I quit donating after obama get elected. Then one day,while sitting in the car waiting for my husband, I watched people exiting a food pantry/bank. Obese – truly obese – every one. I saw at least a dozen people exit, each carrying two paper grocery bags which were bulging full.

    Not to mention the free meals all the churches put on. The free loaders get the schedules, each day a different church is serving meals, and so the recipients just make the rounds.

    No, if I am going to donate, it will be to a specific family that I personally know, and know will be helped by it.

  5. I used to help with food banks too, then I found out that some people come in and have a shopping list of what they want, not what they need. When you would offer them smooth peanut butter, they wanted crunchy, etc.

    If they were hungry, they’d eat anything. I had hard times years ago when there was nothing but a can of pork and beans and a couple slices of bread in the house. I survived.

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