NY GOP Asks Trump to Force Gov. Cuomo to Reveal True Nursing Home Death Toll – IOTW Report

NY GOP Asks Trump to Force Gov. Cuomo to Reveal True Nursing Home Death Toll

Dan Bongino-

At the center of New York’s coronavirus disaster was Gov. Cuomo’s now infamous “March 25 advisory” issued to nursing home administrators, directors of nursing, and hospital discharge planners. The supposed logic behind the order was that it would help free up space in the hospitals for seriously ill coronavirus patients (while those less severely affected by the virus could recover in other long-term care facilities, primarily nursing homes).

In a world where the coronavirus is most dangerous to the elderly, common sense would suggest against implementing such a policy, but common sense proved no match for New York liberalism in this case (a frequent occurrence).

As ProPublica notes in their June 16th report excoriating Cuomo’s policy: “In the weeks that followed the March 25 order, COVID-19 tore through New York state’s nursing facilities, killing more than 6,000 people — about 6% of its more than 100,000 nursing home residents.”  Meanwhile, the Republican County Executive of Rensselaer County rightly saw Cuomo’s advice as absurd and defied it. The only nursing home run by the county, Van Renssealaer, saw a total of zero coronavirus deaths.

And some, for good reason, believe the true toll is even higher. read more

3 Comments on NY GOP Asks Trump to Force Gov. Cuomo to Reveal True Nursing Home Death Toll

  1. New Yorkers should be on their knees giving thanks to God for sending them Andrew Cuomo.
    If only 6000 long term care patients are eliminated from the state’s balance sheet, that amounts to a savings of $840 million.
    for all you naysayers out there, I say he was only fulfilling his duty as a fiscal conservative.


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