NY Gov. Cuomo Caught Trying To Plant Questions For The Press – IOTW Report

NY Gov. Cuomo Caught Trying To Plant Questions For The Press

American Lookout: What’s a governor to do when they want favorable media coverage? One dishonest way to get it is by trying to orchestrate the questions you get from the press. New York’s Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo just got busted doing that.

Politico reports:

Cuomo takes questions by phone as staff tries to plant queries

Gov. Andrew Cuomo decided to take questions from the Albany press corps by phone rather than in person on Thursday, even though he was in the capital city, and his aides contacted several reporters in hopes of planting questions with them.

It’s the second such conference call in three days for the Democratic governor, who is trying to rally opposition to the federal tax overhaul because it curtails the deductibility of state and local taxes.

While the issue has raised Cuomo’s profile with the national media — he was interviewed on National Public Radio earlier this week — he has not spoken in person with reporters at the Capitol since June.  


7 Comments on NY Gov. Cuomo Caught Trying To Plant Questions For The Press

  1. If this clown has his eyes on a Presidential run in 2020, he should check into Bellevue. I think there’s a Dog Catcher position opening up in Watertown next November, maybe he could run for that.

  2. Ha ha ha!
    “One dishonest way to get it is by trying to orchestrate the questions you get from the press.”

    The “Press” and the nihilistic totalitarians (e.g. Cuomo) are one-in-the-same.

    See Obola. See Clinton. See Pelosi. See Schumer. See McConnell. See Ryan. See deBlasio. See the Mayor of Baltimore. See #BlackLiesMatter.

    Cuomo’s a corrupt piece of shit. The “media” know it and condone it (indeed encourage it) because he’s “their” guy – the more he steals and connives, the more the “media” have to hold over him.

    Same with all the other politicians. The “Deep State” (of which the media is a part) continue to mass information so that whatever purges come necessary work cleanly. All these “gropers” have been groping for decades – not just the past few weeks – and … AND … we’re only hearing about the heterosexual gropers – Capitol Hill is steeped in faggotry, but we never hear about that – I wonder why?

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. If he’s doing phone press conferences how tough can it be to spoof a calling number and pretend you’re a reporter? It probably has other safeguards but imagine the fun if Rush Limbaugh got on the line.

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