NY Gov. Cuomo got 700K for a book that only sold 3,200 copies – IOTW Report

NY Gov. Cuomo got 700K for a book that only sold 3,200 copies

Cuomo’s “All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life” was published by the Harper Collins imprint Harper in October 2014. The publisher ordered a print run of 200,000 copies, but sold only 3,200.

27 Comments on NY Gov. Cuomo got 700K for a book that only sold 3,200 copies

  1. I particularly enjoy when a conservative singer, actor, author, or any other talent hits the scene with a new book, song, show, etc., and the left tries to throw that person under the bus. The result is skyrocketing sales. Lefties can’t figure out how to do that to themselves.

  2. Someone forgot to buy up a bunch of the books to get it on the #1 list. That is the only reason Obama had his books on top. It was purchased en masse by schools, libraries etc.

  3. Article inaccurate, says the book is $13.05 on Amazon, when it’s really $10.99 or FREE audio book.

    Top review for the audio book: “I downloaded it for free, but it was still too much. I want my time back.”

  4. Probably hoping he would be Killary’s SOS then he could make it required reading and make the government buy the remaining copies at full price and pass them around to the State Department offices around the world.

    Hey it worked for Killary.

  5. This is an old practice, but the normal scam is for “donors” to buy up several cases of books. The way this one worked, Harper Collins paid for it all themselves. There are a lot of corrupt politicians out there. One publisher can’t carry them all.

  6. This is why Hillary is the green candidate. He could have pocketed the same amount of money, for the same number of people, with 3 or 4 speeches, and saved a hundred acre wood. Sad.

  7. This id payoff money, pure and simple. The truly aggravating part of this is the taxpayers ponied up some of this money because I’m sure Harper took the advance as an expense and the unsold books as a loss. Trump needs to tell congress to make a law that states that a Publisher can give any advance they want but only against actual royalties from book sales. After one year the difference is returned to the publisher and from then on the publisher can issue a royalty check for books actually sold. You make the law apply to all authors or only to active or retired politicians.

  8. SOP in the world of politics … SOP.
    Another one of those “No Smoking Gun” corruptions that every-fuckin-body knows is corruption but nobody’s willing to do a fucking thing about because each hopes to be the next profiteer.
    This is how we become saddled with corruption and can’t seem to shake it loose.

    izlamo delenda est …

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