NY Gov. Cuomo Threatens “State Action” Against Economic Activity After Refusing State Action Against Riots, Looters and Arsonists – IOTW Report

NY Gov. Cuomo Threatens “State Action” Against Economic Activity After Refusing State Action Against Riots, Looters and Arsonists

Conservative Treehouse: Comrade Cuomo is threatening to take enforcement action on behalf of the New York state Ministry of Coronavirus Compliance.

Today, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is threatening “state enforcement action” against the citizens of New York for engaging in economic activity, violating his social distancing rules, not wearing masks and having “parties” against his COVID compliance dictates more

16 Comments on NY Gov. Cuomo Threatens “State Action” Against Economic Activity After Refusing State Action Against Riots, Looters and Arsonists

  1. Yeah, that’s the kind of thing that’s coming in “Round Two.”

    It ought to ‘go over like a lead balloon.’ His balloons, our lead.

    Don’t get me started!

  2. I still firmly believe that the stuff that oozed down Matilda’s crack that night had more of a chance of being something worthwhile than the sperm that helped create this asswipe.
    Same can be said about Fredo.

  3. Mark my words: there are people out there who are planning to go all Travis Bickle/Timothy McVeigh over what is being done to them by these petty tyrants. I don’t say that with any glee, nor do I say that with any specific knowledge, but I am confident that I am correct based on what is being done to millions of innocent people under color of protecting them from a threat that is largely exaggerated, if not wholly imaginary.

    These elected officials have literally destroyed tens of millions of businesses and careers and in doing so have destroyed tens of millions of people’s life’s work. This has been deliberate. Make no mistake about it, progressives get off on wanton, deliberate, gratuitous destruction of what others have created. They are absolutely motivated by envy above all else and destruction of what others have created is what they live for. This was the opportunity to destroy, which they get off on anyway and they also think that the way to bring Trump’s numbers down is to destroy the economic vitality of the country.

    When you look at the sheer numbers of people this has affected it is for sure and for certain that it has affected a hell of a lot of people whose impulse to act out violently against the persons who they deem personally responsible for trashing their lives. I can tell you straight up that many more life long Democrat straight ticket voters here in Washington State hold Jay Inslee and “the Democrats” responsible for exploiting this COVID event and are pissed the hell off at them than I ever thought was possible.

    You just cannot do things like are being done to this many people without having the statistical probability of setting off a number of “ticking time bombs.”

  4. The cats been let out of the bag and it can’t be put back in. If they have allowed protests they surely have to allow economic activity. They can’t have it their way with the protestors getting a pass and normal citizens going about their daily lives getting the shaft. They may fool them once into believing their corona virus bs , they won’t fool them twice.

  5. To hassle shop keepers while protecting rioters and looters is a level of tyranny that no one has ever thought of before because it was just too fucking stupid to imagine. People need to arm up to protect their right to engage in commerce and protect from looters because the NY government is apparently against both those things.

  6. Cuomo’s transparent.
    He’s as clear as glass if only one looks.
    His anti-American hatreds and his contempt for the Constitution are apparent for all to see.
    New Yorkers are simply of a kindred spirit – they, too, must hate America and hold Freedom and Liberty in contempt, or they would not tolerate this maggot.

    Sadly, that is the case.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “Fool me once, shame on you.
    Fool me twice, shame on me.”

    Wake up America. The virus has to run its course. Concentrate on early, effective treatment for those at risk, and stop spreading the hysteria.

    It’s called “public health” – and it’s meant to be run by doctors, not politicians.

    Hear me, Governor Inslee? GET. OUT.

  8. He effectively ordered the deaths of thousands of parents and grandparents in New York nursing homes. What are their children thinking? What are they doing? Asleep?

  9. this is the stuff that can and should spark a revolution, as several posters above very accurately alluded to, but my guess is not a damn thing will happen.

    why? because it’s the nature of left and right.

    the left has a vivid imagination about things happening to them and goes full chimp out.

    the right watches in horror as a governor of a state sends in the police to arrest them for the ‘crime’ of doing business while he give a complete go ahead to rioters and arsonists, and the people on the right can be counted on to just sit down and not do one damn thing about it. it happens this way over and over. why would it be different this time?

  10. Your father was human garbage and so are you. Twenty five of the last thirty seven years NYS has been looted by this greasy low life family and then run into the ground. This state is as pathetic as your nappy headed family.

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