NY Gov. Cuomo’s ‘Greatgate’ escalates – IOTW Report

NY Gov. Cuomo’s ‘Greatgate’ escalates

FOX: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is facing a deluge of criticism for declaring America “was never that great” — with even liberal gubernatorial rival Cynthia Nixon mocking him for what she called a hamfisted attempt to sound like a progressive.

Cuomo sparked gasps from supporters at a bill-signing ceremony on Wednesday when he took a shot at President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, saying: “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.”

“We have not reached greatness, we will reach greatness when every America is fully engaged, we will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping against women, 51 percent of our population, is gone,” he said.

The remark zipped around social media within minutes, leading to an avalanche of criticism from commentators and political rivals.

Nixon, who is trying to unseat Cuomo in the primary, mocked the establishment Democrat by suggesting it was part of his efforts to fend off her left-wing challenge; she has previously claimed “The Cynthia Effect” has pressured Cuomo to adopt more left-wing stances.

“I think this is just another example of Andrew Cuomo trying to figure out what a progressive sounds like and missing by a mile,” the activist and “Sex and the City” actress told NY1 on Wednesday.

Cuomo was also hit from the right, where longshot Republican challenger Marc Molinaro said he was “ashamed and shocked” at the remarks and called on Cuomo to apologize.  MORE HERE

15 Comments on NY Gov. Cuomo’s ‘Greatgate’ escalates

  1. There are certain things you are better off not saying. Like swear words during an interview – they won’t help you and they could hurt you. Saying America isn’t great is just like that – not a single vote will be gained, nor any respect, but a lot will likely be lost.
    What a dumb thing to do. Oh, yeah, he registered as a Democrat so I guess he qualifies.

  2. America was never that great is what leftists have always believed but never openly uttered and ran on until we were given the great gift of DJT. Even their friendly audience has some uncomfortable groans.

  3. “[W]e will reach greatness when discrimination and stereotyping against women, 51 percent of our population, is gone”

    Mighty nice “minority” you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to…

    Ow! No, ma’am. Yes ma’am. I’ll get back to that…

  4. Rush was just playing excerpts of this clowns speech. Basically his state sucks. Drugs, unemployment, womens rights, etc, etc. I had to start laughing because I recalled something I’d watched probably 40 years ago. It was a Muppet show with guest star James Coburn. Kermit gets pitched out of this rough ass bar into the street landing in front of Coburn. Kermit gets up a starts dusting himself off and complaining what a dangerous place that bar was, fights all the time, public drunkenness, lewd women. Kermit finally says, “Somebody should close that place down before somebody gets hurt”. Coburn finally asks Kermit, “Well who owns this place”.
    Kermit says “I Do”.

    I think you own this shit Andy.

  5. The great and powerful Cuomo is following in the great foot steps of his dad, Mario. Neither have apparently had any incentive to worry about trying to improve the condition of the State of New York because it was never that great when they were elected and all they did was tread water and party on the taxpayers dime.

  6. The left refuses to acknowledge that in a country consisting of imperfect humans, the US has been the beacon for equality, opportunity and freedom – unparalleled in history. Our history of one of always being open to self-examination and correcting wrongs.

    Because of the US, world wide poverty has declined 90% in 100 years.

    The left will never recognize America’s greatness because they themselves are blinded by their self-hatred.

  7. Cuomo and his ilk are doing everything possible to insure the United States becomes a failed welfare state. Meanwhile the taxpayers are fleeing his state at an ever accelerating rate, can’t wait to see this sniveling coward on his knees begging for a federal bailout

  8. the liberals and the MSM (sorry for being redundant) has hated America and Americans for at least 72 years. Up to ’17 they lied about their hate! Now many are admitting that the reason they have tried to do away with The Constitution is that they hate America- Constitution has made us great.

    Clinton said America is bad when she praised an 11 year old Goodell man(boy) yesterday. F—America – fuc* the Flag has been their stated belief for at least 58 years.

    Now they are just explaining why they burn the flag and neal when it is present at games!


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