NY: Jihad at Chautauqua – IOTW Report

NY: Jihad at Chautauqua

American Thinker: Chautauqua Institution, originally a cultural center, is now a disseminator of Islamic messaging to reach out to uninformed Christians and Jews programmed to accept multiculturalism. Featured speaker Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic Center for Middle East Policy, is part of the worldwide movement financed by oil money.

In a lecture on August 9 at the Institution’s center at Chautauqua, N.Y., he spoke of American anxiety, incongruously blaming occasions such as buying jam at the grocers, where, alas, so many choices will cause regret that one hasn’t purchased the best option. He sees no beauty in the many fruits, flavors, or quality, or why, if one manufacturer makes jam and employs and pays a decent wage to improve life for himself and his neighbors, another cannot do the same in another locality.

Blind to possibilities, Hamid is instead guided by Islamic rules, allowing only one jam, or having one of his housebound wives make it.  He prefers that leadership dictate one’s lifestyle by force; create one nation, the Ummah; one law, sharia; and one goal, world domination.   read more

7 Comments on NY: Jihad at Chautauqua

  1. My grandmother spent three weeks every summer somewhere at Chautauqua, NY. I thought it was some sort of Christian retreat. If this is the same place, it’s a damn good thing she’s passed away.

    Shitauqua – all good things must end someday. 🙁

  2. I have sent students there for violin bootcamp. Never considered that they might be exposed to this sh** !
    Sorry guys ! Chautauqua may look peaceful but it is no different then the DC sh**hole you left.

    Another funny story about how the mtn caught on fire and fire helicopters arrived. Well…another day.

    My professor knew…thank God I could play. Lol

  3. Having too many choices causes anxiety? Raisin bread or Bagels?
    Ham or Roast Beef (woops – Bologna or Roast Beef).

    Live free or die under oppressive stupidity?

    As for me and my house we will serve the Lord (and that ain’t some made up moon god).

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