NY Mayor-elect appoints NYPD commissioner with giant mural of convicted cop-killer, Marxists looming in background – IOTW Report

NY Mayor-elect appoints NYPD commissioner with giant mural of convicted cop-killer, Marxists looming in background

BPR: New York City Mayor-elect and former NYPD police officer Eric Adams swore in Keechant Sewell as the city’s next police commissioner on Wednesday in front of a mural that featured black revolutionaries, Marxists, and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur. more

11 Comments on NY Mayor-elect appoints NYPD commissioner with giant mural of convicted cop-killer, Marxists looming in background

  1. Give her a chance. A short chance. But a chance.

    Because affirmative action hires of inexperienced dumbells for positions of great responsibility have worked out briliantly in the past. (Haven’t they?)


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