NY Mayor Eric Adams Begs To Differ With AOC Over Subway Incident – IOTW Report

NY Mayor Eric Adams Begs To Differ With AOC Over Subway Incident

Revolver: New York City Mayor Eric Adams has b-slapped AOC for calling the Marine Subway Hero a “murderer.”

The unidentified former Marine put the out-of-control homeless man, Jordan Neely, in a chokehold on the subway after he went bonkers. The incident was caught on video and Neely ended up dying.

Neely was a violent career criminal with a history of mental illness, including autism and schizophrenia. He was arrested a whopping 42 times, and even punched a 67-year-old woman in the face.

Eric Adams is no hero, but he’s slightly more rational and intelligent than the hysterical former bartender AOC, who is doing her best to incite a “riot” over the death of another violent thug, while demonizing a Good Samaritan who was just trying to save lives.

Many believe Adams is taking on the “good cop” role while Soros-backed Alvin Bragg is playing the “bad cop.” Adams is presenting a professional and composed demeanor, urging for a fair and calm approach—but really, Adams’ “wait and see” approach will just throw the Marine Subway Hero to the big (fat) wolf Bragg. Meanwhile, many suspect Bragg is working behind the scenes to wreak havoc on the life of the Marine Subway Hero. more

10 Comments on NY Mayor Eric Adams Begs To Differ With AOC Over Subway Incident

  1. **WARNING**
    Do not, I repeat DO NOT view the filthy cunt NY gov Kathy Hochul’s response to this.
    Unless you want your blood to boil.
    The pure evil race-bating whore said that the thug was killed “for simply riding on the subway.”

    OMG Aaaarggghhhh!
    I want to punch her jaw until it wraps around her neck…

  2. Yep, don’t give that prick Eric Adams too much credit.
    He just played the race card yesterday on Texas governor Greg Abbott about illegals being shipped to NY.

    Oh, what Hochul actually said: ” Jordan Neely was killed for being a passenger on our subway”

  3. And when Black Fatso files murder charges against this guy Adams will give a statement similar to ,”We are a nation of laws and now we all must remain calm and let the system play out as it is supposed to”.

    And the “Unidentified Marine” will get a jury and judge similar to what Trump will be getting, pulled from a section of folks that went 85% for Biden and has zero qualms about sacrificing a white guy in order to keep the peace and the city from burning down.

  4. They badmouthed Kyle Rittenhouse the same way and ended up eating their words. Having a member of Congress publicly calling you a murderer is friggin’ prejudicial. The left have a problem with the whole presumption of innocence thing.


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