NY Mayoral Candidate Bo Dietl: ‘Send the MS-13 Gang Over to Gracie Mansion – IOTW Report

NY Mayoral Candidate Bo Dietl: ‘Send the MS-13 Gang Over to Gracie Mansion

BigGovernment: New York Mayor Bill de Blasio should be forced to share his mayoral home with MS-13 gang members instead of being allowed to impose a “sanctuary city” policy which releases gang members into New York neighborhoods, says independent mayoral candidate Bo Dietl.

“How dare this mayor says ‘We won’t allow ICE or the FBI to do their job,’” Dietl said, shortly after de Blasio upped his opposition to the enforcement of federal immigration laws. “If ‘Big Bird de Blasio’ wants them [ilegals]  in New York, I will tell you what I would do, send the MS-13 gang over to Gracie Mansion.”

He continued:

de Blasio has no idea what he is doing regarding this issue … We should not allow felons and criminal illegal gang members like MS-13 to be in this country. When they go to Rikers Island [jail], these criminals should be turned over to ICE.

Public concern about MS-13 has risen amid a crime wave by illegal alien MS-13 members in New York’s Long Island.

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9 Comments on NY Mayoral Candidate Bo Dietl: ‘Send the MS-13 Gang Over to Gracie Mansion

  1. One reason the libscum are so eager for illegal immigrants is that they hope to displace the blacks, as has happened in LA.

    Another reason is the payoffs which organised gangs will pay higher up the scumbag chain ( less organised black gangs are lucky if they are organised enough to payoff cops, big gangs like MS13 “contribute” to (D)irtbag politictians thru LaRaza cutouts.

    Remember Hillary: ” legalization won’t happen, there’s too much money in it”.

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