NY nursing home China Virus deaths were undercounted, AG says – IOTW Report

NY nursing home China Virus deaths were undercounted, AG says

New York may have undercounted COVID-19 deaths of nursing home residents by as much as 50%, the state’s attorney general said in a report released Thursday.

13 Comments on NY nursing home China Virus deaths were undercounted, AG says

  1. Gee, you think so? All other WuFlu statistics are exaggerated, but for some odd reason, nursing home deaths are down? I am shocked you could possibly accuse The Governor of skewing the numbers.
    The AG needs to be banned from FB / Instagram / Twatter / any other social media site immediately

  2. Cuomo can do this without consequences.

    Why not? If nobody’s going to hold him accountable, why not be a dictator?


    The short squeezes are over in the stonk mkt. Too many troops will understand that they can have the rules changed on them in the middle of the game now. Not enough troops will enlist for any further short squeezes.

    Meanwhile, robinhood and the other brokerages will reverse their bans, say i’m sorry, and pretend like they’re on the side of the wsb crowd and the little guy.
    The only question is if the little retail investor is going to be like a republican voter and go right on back to trading with robinhood and fall for the fake apology, oblivious to the fact the brokerage is lying and will fk him over exactly the same way the next time it’s convenient for them.

  3. Flash, this just in: Crazy Joe Biden was just selected as the “Non-essential Politician Of The Week” barely edging out Cuomo, Pelosi, Romney and Occasional Cortez! The poll has a failure factor of 99%! Stay tuned for future weekly poll results for this highly competitive and sought after esteemed prize and recognition!

  4. I forget, was that Emmy Award for “Most Serial Murders” by a NY Politician? It’s time for Andrew to take have a long stay at the Gray-Bar Hotel to repent for his sins. Maybe he can write a book….

  5. One major FACT that has been ignored is that Cuomo, as head of HUD, was responsible for putting many thousands of people into unaffordable housing, which was probably the number one factor in the economic crash of 2007-09.

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