NY: Public School Provides Prayer Rooms For Muslims – IOTW Report

NY: Public School Provides Prayer Rooms For Muslims

American Lookout:

And even crazier, Atheist groups are on board with it. So what’s the obvious conclusion to draw from this? Christian bashing is the new norm, and everything else in opposition to Christians is good.


The Blaze ran this story:

A public high school in New York state has made available two vacant rooms so Muslim students can pray during Islam’s holy month of Ramadan.

Donald Flynt, principal of Clifton Park’s Shenendehowa High School — along with other school administrators and faculty — had invited a local imam to a meeting to learn more about the Muslim religion, the Saratogian reported. Afterward, Flynt made the move to open up the rooms from May 27 to June 24, the paper said.

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20 Comments on NY: Public School Provides Prayer Rooms For Muslims

  1. Are male and female muslims allowed in the same room at the same time to pray? If so, are they separated in any way by a physical barrier? If so, somone ought to call the ACLU.

  2. If you press a lefty (and we all know that they’re mentally defunct), they will at some point lose it and point at Christianity as a bigger threat than Islam. I shit you not. I challenge you to pick one and pull that thread. It’s fun to watch them slobber and spit, just stand back a ways.

  3. There ain’t any dirt outside?
    Screw that school
    They should fire all the senior staff, and every Christian Household should sue for breach of Church and State

  4. I’ve never understood the concept of an atheist “group”. I always figured one reason I’m an atheist is because I’m not a “joiner”. What a strange bunch THAT must be.

    But to back islime vs Christianity is sheer lunacy even for an atheist. If you strip both of the super natural mumbo jumbo you are left with Christianity as a philosophy which is unassailably good and islime which is simply a rationalization of sociopathy.

  5. @JustAl:

    I’ve never understood the concept of an atheist “group”. I always figured one reason I’m an atheist is because I’m not a “joiner”. What a strange bunch THAT must be.

    Just about all of the in-your-face atheists are actually antitheists. Most truly atheist people I know will simply tell you that they simply don’t “get” faith and religion, that their minds just don’t seem to work that way. They’ll also tell you that they have no beef at all with the faithful so long as those faithful don’t get heavy-handed (or worse) about making converts.

  6. Just go outside on a clear night and consider the majesty of the sky, stars and planets.
    And the order thereof. This cannot possibly be the result of a random explosion millions of years ago. This is a divine masterpiece!

  7. Where is that asshole group called “Freedom From Religion” when you need them? They sure are hell-bent on going after any signs of Christianity in our public schools. But Mohammedan savages openly praying to Satan in our taxpayer funded public shools? All I hear are fuckin’ crickets. Fuckin’ COWARDS.

    BTW, it infuriates me that so many judges have fallen for the Atheists line of bullshit. The Constitution says “freedom OF religion” NOT Freedom FROM religion.

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