NY: Republican Lawmaker Apologizes for Cuomo’s Failed Energy Projects – IOTW Report

NY: Republican Lawmaker Apologizes for Cuomo’s Failed Energy Projects

Politics Note: Republican Sen. Robert Ortt of New York criticized the state’s Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo Wednesday for unambiguously opposing natural gas production while citizens contend with rolling blackouts and expensive energy prices.

Ortt apologized to New England in a lengthy editorial for the Democratic governor’s antagonistic approach to energy production. The Republican state senator also accused Cuomo of twisting New York laws to the point of barring any form of inexpensive energy from entering the region.

“For years, you’ve experienced some of the highest electricity and home heating prices in the nation — and they make it extra hard for you to compete with other states for jobs and investment,” Ortt wrote. His commentary comes several months after New England was forced to import natural gas from Russia to grapple with the region’s chronic energy shortage.  read more

10 Comments on NY: Republican Lawmaker Apologizes for Cuomo’s Failed Energy Projects

  1. This is typical of a leftist legacy candidate. He’s probably grooming offspring for the governors mansion next. They live in a fog of leftist claptrap. NYC is responsible for keeping morons like this in office for which the rest of the state pays dearly. Both the idiotic mayor of NYC and the governor think they are brilliant.

  2. The Cuomo’s should have been eradicated while still in the larval stage, but weren’t and now they can reproduce. New York’s future is bleak.

  3. new York state is so progressive they actually elected a crayon eating window licking retard for governor.

    and of course hillary endorses him over her fellow vagina nixon against her own recommendations that all women stick together and vote for their fellow vaginas.

  4. Emperor Cuomo, Mario’s heir and “Governor of Manhattan” is the dictator of NY. We, who live in Fly Over Upstate are statistically outnumbered by the self interested metro voters who are more concerned about keeping upstate nice and ‘pretty’ for them to vacation in than they are about our economic future.
    God forbid that upstate has any heavy industries that provide prosperity and economic security for its residents. No, in order to pander to his Eco-warrier campaign contributors Our Emperor will prevent any meaningful development upstate. After all, he does not represent us anyways….Remember, he told us to leave!!!
    I will repeat what I have been saying for 25 years. Upstate needs to be separated from the Metro area of NY. We have no representation in government and as a result, we are treated as second class citizens, except for paying taxes. Oh, we are expected to pay tithe to the state at record amounts.

  5. Like California, Illinois and other states where a major city has complete control over the rest of the state there are many good people that are all but completely helpless to do anything about it. Their incomes reduced through taxation makes it even difficult for them to relocate. I wish we could find a solution and put an end to this. Term limits won’t make it past the people we need to rid ourselves of so where do we go?

  6. When I was born and lived on Long Island it was an idyllic place. Gramps took me to the World’s Fair in Flushing and it was magical. Now it is mostly cesspool. I went to school upstate and it was dead rural. (’60s-’70s)

    Glenda – what I don’t get is all the public service ads about how NY is investing so much in biz throughout the state. What gives?

  7. “Cuomo’s Failed Energy Projects”

    Failed, my ass. The are exactly what the gov wanted; they do exactly what the gov intended.
    The people of New York are slaves, and expect to be treated as slaves.
    Treating them like free men embarrasses and enrages them.

    izlamo delenda est …


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