NY: Republican Marc Molinaro within striking distance of Cuomo in Governor race – IOTW Report

NY: Republican Marc Molinaro within striking distance of Cuomo in Governor race

Patriot Retort:

I told you last week that NY Dems are challenging the forty-one thousand signatures Stephanie Miner got for her Independent run for Governor in November’s election.

Miner, the former Democrat mayor of Syracuse, decided last year not to primary Governor Andrew Cuomo. Which, frankly, surprised me at the time. I knew Miner’s aspirations were for higher office.

So when she announced in June that she would in fact run for Governor, but as an Independent candidate, I wasn’t surprised in the least.

But NY Dems are not taking it at all well.

Miner is a well-known Democrat in the state. And running against Cuomo in the general election is sure to cut into his electoral advantage over Republican Marc Molinaro.

And, trust me.

Cuomo going to need every advantage he can get.

Check out this tweet from Molinaro:


The New York State Reform Party released an independent poll of likely voters that has Marc trailing Cuomo, 46% to 43%! View the poll here: https://www.nyreformparty.com


11 Comments on NY: Republican Marc Molinaro within striking distance of Cuomo in Governor race

  1. I live on Long Island and I hate Cuomo!! He and the liberals are turning our Island into a cesspool.
    He “officially” renamed the Tappan Zee Bridge today after his father. As far as I know, no one had a say in this decision. POS.

  2. yes Jeannie, these scumbags have destroyed Long Island, which was once one of the best places you could possibly want to live. Now its full of Ms13 savages, homeless garbage from nyc, criminal scumbags, refugees. Como should be hung, along with all the demorat filth thieves. Vote for MOlinaro, even a blow up doll is better than scumbag Como.

  3. When it comes to blame for the 2008 financial crisis Cuomo, as Bill Clinton’s HUD secretary, and the easy money market distortions he injected into the system, is at the very top of the list.
    Yet New York rewarded him with a governorship.

  4. As long it leaves Cynthia Nixon with her delusional life with her obese carrot top husband not in congress, I’m OK with that. Do what what you will, no one cares, because you think it’s OK to infect others children with you mental illness. Never run an a agenda, unless you have a daytime show like your supporter Ellen on NBC who no one watches. Still NY will suffer from delusion in the end, just like they vote for, as always.

  5. All of the New England states. where the country began, are unrecognizable from the original constitutional intent. More disturbing is that it’s spreading across the entire country.
    Liberals are not only stupid they are busy bodies and single minded in purpose. They are tireless in their focus and never relent.
    They compare closely to ant colonies and are successful because of those characteristics.

  6. Andrew Cuomo along with his father, Mario, are the hallmark examples of “never that great”! I’ll be voting for ANYONE other than a Cuomo, but all the NY sheep will alway vote for a Cuomo…


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