NY retailers lost $4.4 billion due to organized shoplifting – IOTW Report

NY retailers lost $4.4 billion due to organized shoplifting

NYP: Retailers across New York state say there’s no end in sight to the rising epidemic of organized shoplifting rings — and warn it could lead to more store closures, increased costs for consumers and threats of violence against store employees.

Store owners said they lost $4.4 billion last year as a result of retail theft — which they say adds to the urgency for Gov. Kathy Hochul to crack down.

However, Hochul vetoed a bipartisan bill last week — to the chagrin of store owners — that would have created a task force to combat organized theft.

Hochul rejected a proposal that would have created a 15-member panel made up of experts appointed by the governor, Legislature and the state attorney general that would have put together a list of recommendations to respond to retail theft.

The Retail Council of New York State, the Albany-based lobbying group which represents retailers statewide, said it was “extremely disappointed” by Hochul’s veto. more here

11 Comments on NY retailers lost $4.4 billion due to organized shoplifting

  1. “…put together a list of recommendations to respond to retail theft.”

    Recommendation one – arm shotgun shells with course rock salt
    Recommendation two – turn off all surveillance cameras and jam all mobile devices
    Recommendation three – fire when appropriate
    Recommendation four – “sorry officer, I saw nothing, I know nothing”

  2. Why does New York need another do-nothing panel of experts? Arrest the perps, give them a quick trial and jail them. Repeat offenders receive stiffer sentences.

    The liberals have succeeded in destroying the family unit in lower income/minority neighborhoods, and now retailers (among others) are paying the price with out of control crime. New York cannot act as a nanny state, so arrest and jail is about the only other alternative. It’s not rocket science.


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