NY school district vows ‘consequences’ if students walk out on 4/20 – IOTW Report

NY school district vows ‘consequences’ if students walk out on 4/20

AM: It’s high time students are held accountable if they walk out of classrooms as announced on 4/20, administrators in New York’s Amsterdam School District say.

District leaders sent a letter to parents after activists, led by David Hogg, announced they would walk out of classes on April 20.

It reads in part, according to CBS 6:

The District does not condone the April 20 walk out and students who choose to leave school on that day, without a valid excuse, will face disciplinary consequences. more

16 Comments on NY school district vows ‘consequences’ if students walk out on 4/20

  1. Good for them! About time. These teenage hissy fits are getting old. Protest this, boycott that, and it accomplishes nothing. If these punks would quit walking out and stay in class, they might learn what “NEVER AGAIN” really means.

  2. If the FBI was legitimate, they would reveal just who the hell Hogg is, who is sponsoring him, and what their goals are.LOLOL I kid.

    Instead of going to prison for life, Ayres was never prosecuted, lectured at Universities, and eventually mentored a fake US Preznit!
    We should change the FBI logo to a a depiction of bums sleeping under Sombreros.

  3. Lil Pig Child should’ve chosen a different day. Most teens will either be making jokes about weed or attempting to smoke weed in 4/20. It’s a pop culture thing for this gen, but I guess a deep state piggy with massive geek syndrome wouldn’t know that.

  4. Clueless or trying to purposely destroy or re-purpose everything else that isn’t about him already?

    Starting to see a deeper pattern from the, what seems, disparate incidences of cluelessness from him. From gun issues, to the holocaust, to this. What’s next, 4th of July and Christmas Day get re-purposed for his sake?

    Given who is puppeting him, it’s kind of transparent at this point. It = more of the same crap from NWO and the left in general.

    Wondering when he’s going to ask those of us that oppose him to off ourselves. You know, for the sake of the world and stuff.

  5. So, walking out to protest our Constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment is good and sanctioned as a ‘woke’ activity.
    Walking out to get stoned and do whatever you want without an underlying political message is verboten

  6. I lived in Amsterdam, NY for six months, Nov ’73 ~ Apr 74. The movie , The Exorsist, was released ( Blazing Saddles too, I think). while I lived there. The librarian in the city library wouldn’t allow the book in the library. Sounds like attitudes there haven’t changed much from various community leaders.

    However, the nut job poor excuse for a father, Stephen Arpey, mentioned in the story, whose daughter was suspended for refusing to stand for the pledge of allegiance during Trump’s inauguration, supports the walk out. He’s well on his way producing trouble making off spring totally lacking common sense.


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